[ecoop-info] EASE 2020 Call for papers - Abstract deadline on the 15th of December!
Neil Walkinshaw
n.walkinshaw at sheffield.ac.uk
Wed Dec 11 11:42:07 CET 2019
24th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software
14-17 April, 2020, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
URL: https://www.ntnu.edu/web/ease2020/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ConfEase
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ease2020/
The International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software
Engineering (EASE) is one of the premier conferences to present research
related to empirical software engineering. EASE provides a stimulating forum
where researchers and practitioners can present and discuss recent research
results on a wide range of topics within empirical evaluation of software
engineering technologies, practices, and tools; transferring and applying
empirical research methods from other disciplines to empirical software
engineering and reflections on the use of such methods, etc.
Types of Submission
The conference invites the following types of submission:
- Full Technical Papers (max. 10 pages)
- Short Papers and Artefacts (4 - 6 pages)
- Vision Paper and Emerging Results Track (4 - 6 pages)
- Industry experience and perspective reports (max. 2 pages extended
- Posters and Doctoral Symposium submissions (up to 2 pages)
- Tutorials (1 page overview)
- Discussion Panel proposals (1 page overview)
- Workshops proposals (up to 5 pages)
We welcome submissions of original and unpublished research in all areas of
empirical software engineering (requirements engineering, architecture
development, testing, process evaluation, and alike), which include, but
are not
limited to:
- Assessing the benefits / costs associated with using chosen
development technologies
- Cross- and multi-disciplinary methods and studies
- Case studies, action-research, and field studies, including multilevel
research designs
- Design science studies
- Development and evaluation of empirical prediction systems or software
estimation models
- Empirical studies using qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods
- Empirically-based decision making
- Evaluation and comparison of techniques and models
- Experiments and quasi-experiments
- Survey research
- Systematic literature reviews
- Meta-analysis, qualitative and quantitative synthesis of studies
- Modeling, measuring, and assessing product and/or process quality
- Replication of empirical studies and families of studies
- Software engineering analytics
- Simulation-based studies in software engineering
- Software project management and knowledge management
- Software technology transfer to the industry
Submission Details
Submitted papers must be written in English, contain original unpublished
and conform to the ACM Proceedings Format. The conference enforces the ACM
Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism
To reduce bias in reviews, EASE conference will use double-blind review
As a result, the manuscripts should be submitted for review anonymously
without listing the author’s names on the paper) and references to own work
should be made in third person.
Please use submit manuscripts via EasyChair, and in pdf format:
(https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=ease2020 ).
All accepted papers will be published by ACM in the ACM International
Proceedings Series. The ACM offers options for Open Access
At least one author of each accepted paper must register by the camera-ready
Important Dates
* Workshop track:
- 1st November, 2019: Workshop proposals
- 12th November, 2019: Proposal notification
* Full Papers track:
- 15th December, 2019: Abstract submission
- 17th December, 2019: Paper submission
* Discussion Panels, Tutorials:
- 17th January, 2020: Proposal submission
* All tracks
- 17th December, 2019: Paper submission [except full papers]
- 3rd February, 2020: Notifications
- 15th February, 2020: Camera ready
Full Papers Track
The EASE full research papers track seeks submissions describing
original work on any software engineering topic, provided there is a
empirical dimension to the presented work.
The full research papers must not exceed 10 pages. Papers will be reviewed
by at
least two members of the program committee, using relevance, soundness,
verifiability and presentation as main review criteria.
Important Dates for the Full Research Track Papers:
- Abstract submission: December 15, 2019
- Paper submission: December 17, 2019
- Notification: February 3, 2020
- Camera-ready: February 15, 2020
Full Papers Co-Chairs:
Ruzanna Chitchyan (University of Bristol, UK)
Torgeir Dingsøyr (University of Science and Technology, Norway)
Short Papers and Artefacts Track
Short Papers
The Short Papers category invites submission of insightful research that can
often go unrecognized under the standard review process. This includes, but
not limited to, for instance:
- Criticism of established methodology and/or practice;
- Research on controversial topics;
- “Folklore” confirmations: when a sound research finds “what everyone
knows already”. Though often these “common sense” findings have not been
scientifically proven, such findings are frequently considered “not new
enough” under traditional peer review;
- Unexpected results: when empirical evaluation results diverge dramatically
from the expectations, and the researchers do not find what they were
- Confirmation studies, when a new study confirms previously well known
- Methodological failure reports, where poor design invalidates otherwise
interesting findings (both the findings and study design flaws need to be
Empirical Artefacts
The artefact category encourages submission of artefacts which can provide
to the broader empirical research, e.g., datasets, raw data collected for
experimental research, along with the description of
which can be used to facilitate reuse of this dataset for other study
Artefact submissions should also include a paper that explains what the
artefacts are, how they were created (e.g., how data was collected), and how
they can be reused.
EASE aims to promote artefact reuse, and, to this end, will build a topic-
specific community-wide catalogue to support empirical research.
Submissions (to both short papers and artefacts categories) should be
limited to
4 – 6 pages, including figures, tables, and references.
Important Dates for the Short Paper and Artefact Track:
- Papers submission: December 22, 2019
- Notification: February 3, 2020
- Camera-ready February 15, 2020
Short paper and artefact Co-Chairs:
Mansooreh Zahedi (University of Adelaide, Australia)
Xiaoying Bai (Tsinghua University, China)
Vision Papers and Emerging Results Track
The Vision Papers should present long term challenges and opportunities
instead of incremental improvements or evaluations of current solutions or
practices. Typically, they include creative ways to extend the
applicability of
techniques in empirical software engineering and/or challenge the existing
explicit or implicit assumptions or paradigms in the field. Bold calls to
for potential novel directions supported by a well-motivated scientific
intuition or argument, as well as well-grounded predictions of how empirical
software engineering research and practice will look in the far future are
The Emerging Results Papers should describe current work in progress on
and practice and communicate preliminary, initial research results for
which the
complete evaluation is not yet carried out. This type of papers could also
include ideas on how to execute the research in the future, the longer-term
objectives, planned work and expected results. Startling emerging results
disregard established results or beliefs, proposals on fundamentally new
research directions are welcome. This track particularly invites work on
how to
evaluate the solutions (e.g., practices, methodologies, technologies,
tools, and
software based services) which are on the emerging areas of software
engineering, for example,
- related to emerging technologies (Artificial Intelligence, Machine
and Software Analytics) or
- ones that appear in emerging infrastructures of software engineering
(Cloud Computing, DevOps,
Healthcare, Smart Cities, and IoT).
We are particularly interested in how the existing empirical research
can be tailored for evaluating software-based solutions developed with
technologies infrastructures. The primary purpose of the Emerging Results
is to communicate new ideas to get an early feedback from the empirical
engineering community.
The vision and emerging results papers must not exceed 6 pages.
Important Dates for the Vision Paper and Emerging Results Track Papers:
Paper submission: December 22, 2019
Notification: February 3, 2020
Camera-ready: February 15, 2020
Vision Paper and Emerging Results Co-Chairs:
Patricia Lago (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Marco Torchiano (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
Industry Experience Reports Track
The industry track at EASE 2020 aims to provide an opportunity for
to share their experience in the area of empirical software engineering
Broadly the track has the same research scope as the main conference. We
two types of submissions to this track:
- Experience reports;
- Industrial perspectives.
The experience reports (both positive and negative) should concern the
and evaluation of software engineering technologies (like tools, ideas,
processes, practices and methods) in industrial settings. As a general
guide the
experience report should consist of the following:
- A description of the organizational settings
- Motivation for the use/evaluation of a technology
- A summary of the outcomes and the steps leading to it
- A description of the challenges faced in this experience
- Based on the experience, conclude with lessons learned
Industrial perspective on ESE, for example, ideas and work in progress where
practitioners are collaborating with academics engaging in ESE:
- A description of the collaboration setup
- Motivation and goals for the collaboration (e.g. action research)
- Methods and modes of engagement
- Preliminary results
- A reflection on what works and what can be further improved
- Lessons learned and implications for the ESE research community
Presentations will take place during the main conference. This will be an
excellent opportunity to showcase own work, receive valuable feedback, and
exchange knowledge directly with other practitioners and researchers not
otherwise collaborating with you.
Industry Track Chairs:
Marius Mikalsen (SINTEF, Norway)
Lucas Gren (Volvo Cars and Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, Sweden )
Important Dates for the Industry Track:
Papers submission: December 22, 2019
Notification: February 3, 2020
Camera-ready: February 15, 2020
Posters and Doctoral Symposium Tracks
Doctoral Symposium
The objective of the symposium is to provide junior researchers with the
opportunity to present their work to the empirical software engineering
community and receive valuable feedback from experienced researchers and
practitioners in that community. The symposium will facilitate the exchange
ideas among young and experienced researchers. To do so, experienced
members of
the empirical software engineering community will serve as the symposium
advisers and provide feedback to students presenting their work.
Participants are doctoral students, preferably at a mid-point in their
dissertation work (though others also welcome). A dedicated mentor will be
assigned to each student participant from the board of advisers for a
feedback, additionally the other symposium advisers and other attendees
also participate in discussion and provide feedback to the presenters.
Posters Track
In this track the researchers will be able to publish late-breaking results,
technical descriptions, smaller research contributions, works-in-progress
student projects in a concise and visible format. Accepted posters will be
displayed in the conference venue, providing presenters with an opportunity
engage in discussion with other attendees around their research. Posters are
limited to 2 pages.
Important Dates for the Doctoral Symposium and Posters Track:
Papers submission: December 22, 2019
Notification: February 3, 2020
Camera-ready: February 15, 2020
Poster and Doctoral Symposium Co-Chairs:
Babak A. Farshchian (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
Marouane Kessentini (University of Michigan)
The tutorials provide an opportunity to take a deeper dive into a specific
related to the empirical software engineering. Proposals are invited for
tutorial of 1.5 to 3 hours long. Proposals must provide: An abstract (what
the tutorial about?); A set of expected learning outcomes (what will
learn upon completion); Intended audience and prior knowledge (who is it
for and
what are the attendees expected to know before attending this session?); An
overview of the structure and topics (e.g., what activities and what
topics will be covered?); Presenters Bio (a short bio to demonstrate
knowledge and relevance of the given topic to the presenter)
Tutorials Track Co-Chairs:
Ruzanna Chitchyan (University of Bristol, UK)
Torgeir Dingsøyr (University of Science and Technology, Norway)
Important Dates:
Proposal submission: ongoing till January 17, 2019
Notification: ongoing, with acceptance decisions announced and the
end of
each month.
Final notification: 3 February
Discussion panel proposals
The discussion panels provide an opportunity to actively debate an issue of
particular relevance, which could provoke some controversy (e.g., ethical
dilemma within an empirical setting, value or relevance of specific
processes, or tools, etc).
Proposals are invited for panels of 1 to 1.5 hours long.
Proposals must provide:
- An abstract stating what the panel will discuss (topic), why would this
be a
valuable discussion for the EASE community (motivation for debate), and
format the panel will take;
- List of potential panellists and relevance of the topic to them (4 to 6
panellists would ideally lead the discussion; please write up to 3 lines
- Organisers: a brief bio of organisers (3-5 lines per organiser)
Panels Track Co-Chairs:
Ruzanna Chitchyan (University of Bristol, UK)
Torgeir Dingsøyr (University of Science and Technology, Norway)
Important Dates:
Proposal submission: ongoing till January 17, 2020
Notification: ongoing, with acceptance decisions announced and the
of each month.
Final notification: 3 February
The workshops provide an opportunity for a group of researchers and
practitioners to exchange and discuss early ideas that have not yet matured
form a conference or journal publication. Workshops are invited for bringing
together and initiating collaborations and discussion between researchers
working on a specific topic.
Workshop Proposal Submissions
Proposals are invited for half or full day workshops. All proposals must not
exceed 5 pages, including a maximum of 4 pages for the proposal text, plus 1
page for the draft Call for Submissions. All proposals must be submitted
electronically by email (EASE2020workshops at pwr.edu.pl), by November 1, 2019
Important Dates).
Proposals must provide:
- An abstract stating what the workshop will address (topic), why would
this be
valuable for the EASE community (motivation), and what format the
will take (e.g., paper-based presentations, keynotes, panel-like
- Intended audience: who would be likely to attend?
- A sample list of relevant topics;
- A provisional list of the reviewers, if the workshop solicits paper
- Organisers: a brief bio of organisers
For Accepted Workshops
For all accepted we recommend uniform deadlines for workshop papers
notification of authors, and camera-ready versions (see Important Dates). In
particular, the camera-ready deadline is mandatory for publication purposes.
EASE 2020 workshop proceedings will be integrated in the conference
proceedings, and, they shall follow the same guidelines as the other types
papers. Papers must have a maximum length of 8 pages. It is not possible to
for extra pages.
Workshop Co-Chairs:
Apostolos Ampatzoglou (University of Macedonia),
Lech Madeyski (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland)
Important Dates:
Workshop Proposal Submission: November 1, 2019
[via email to EASE2020workshops at pwr.edu.pl]
Notification to Workshop Organizers: November 12, 2019
Accepted Workshops Webpage and CfP: November 20, 2019
Paper Submission: January 13, 2020 (recommended)
Notification to Authors: February 2, 2020 (strict)
Info on workshop papers to workshop chairs: February 2, 2020 (strict)
Camera-ready: February 15, 2020 (strict)
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