[ecoop-info] EuroSys 2019: Call for Posters

Etienne Riviere etienne.riviere at uclouvain.be
Sat Jan 19 18:17:52 CET 2019

Eurosys 2019 - Call for posters


The EuroSys conference series brings together professionals from academia
and industry. It has a strong focus on systems research and development:
operating systems, database systems, real-time systems, network middleware,
distributed, parallel, or embedded computing systems. EuroSys has become a
premier forum for discussing various issues of systems software research
and development, including implications related to hardware and

The 14th edition of EuroSys will follow the pattern established by the
previous EuroSys conferences, by seeking papers on all aspects of computer
systems. The EuroSys 2019 poster track provides an opportunity to engage
with attendees on the material presented in the talks, present early-stage
work, and receive feedback from the systems community.

As with the main track, the poster track seeks papers on all areas of
computer systems research, including:

* Cloud computing and datacenter systems
* Operating systems
* Distributed systems
* File, storage, and non-volatile memory systems
* Networked systems
* Language support and runtime systems
* Systems security and privacy
* Dependable systems
* Database systems and data analytics frameworks
* Virtualization and virtualized systems
* Mobile and pervasive systems
* Parallelism, concurrency, and multicore systems
* Real-time, embedded, and cyber-physical systems
* Tracing, analysis, verification, and transformation of systems

Important dates:
* Poster submission: January 23, 2019
* Author notification: February 12, 2019
* Poster submission (accepted papers only): March 13, 2019

All deadline times are Anywhere on Earth.

Instruction to Authors:

Poster submissions consist of two pages, a one-page extended abstract (text
box of max 7×9 inches, two columns, font size of minimum 10pt), followed by
a draft of the proposed poster. Poster submissions corresponding to
accepted EuroSys papers do not need to provide an extended abstract, just
the poster draft.

Poster Submission Link: https://eurosys19posters.hotcrp.com

Submissions must include a title, author names and affiliations, a note
indicating which authors (if any) are students, and an indication of which
author will present the poster. Posters can be accompanied by a demo of a
preliminary version of the system or technique described in the submission.
The extended abstracts will be published on the EuroSys 2019 website at the
time of the conference, unless authors request otherwise.

All poster submissions will be reviewed by the Poster Program Committee.
Accepted posters must be presented by at least one of the authors during
the EuroSys 2019 poster session. There will be a Best Poster Award based on
voting by EuroSys attendees.

Please address any questions to posters-chair at eurosys2019.org

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