[ecoop-info] PLMW at POPL 2021: Extension - December 10

Stephanie Balzer balzers at cs.cmu.edu
Sun Dec 6 01:03:49 CET 2020


ACM SIGPLAN Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop, ONLINE

Tuesday, January 21, 2021

Co-located with POPL 2021 which is also held virtually online

Web page: https://popl21.sigplan.org/home/PLMW-2021 <https://popl21.sigplan.org/home/PLMW-2021>
After the success of the first nine Programming Languages Mentoring Workshops at POPL 2012-2020, we are announcing the 10th SIGPLAN Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop (PLMW) to take place online, co-located with the virtual POPL 2021 and organised by Stephanie Balzer, Justin Hsu, Azalea Raad and Gabriel Scherer.

The purpose of this mentoring workshop is to encourage graduate students and senior undergraduate students to pursue careers in programming language research. This workshop will bring together world leaders in programming languages research and teaching from academia and industry to provide (a) technical sessions on cutting-edge PL research and (b) mentoring sessions on how to prepare for a research career. The workshop will help students imagine how they might contribute to our research community.

We especially encourage women and underrepresented minority students, and people with disabilities to attend PLMW.

This workshop is part of the activities surrounding POPL, the Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, and takes place the day before the main conference. One goal of the workshop is to make the POPL conference more accessible to newcomers. We hope that participants will stay through the entire conference.

Students attending this year will get one year free student membership of SIGPLAN, unless they prefer to opt out during their application. The workshop registration is open to all. 


Fill in application form at https://popl21.sigplan.org/home/PLMW-2021 <https://popl21.sigplan.org/home/PLMW-2021> by December 10 (AoE).

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