[ecoop-info] ICT4S 2022 – Call for Papers

Ivan Machado ivan.machado at ufba.br
Tue Dec 7 16:15:16 CET 2021

(Apologies for multiple postings)

ICT4S 2022 – Call for Papers


13–17 June 2022 | Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference will be held in a
hybrid form: in person at the University of Plovdiv and virtually through
the means of synchronous communication.

The International Conference on Information and Communications Technology
for Sustainability (ICT4S) is the premier international conference aiming
at bringing together leading researchers in ICT for Sustainability with
government, industry and community representatives, including
decision-makers and end-users with an interest in using ICT for
sustainability, researchers focusing on ICT effects on sustainability and
developers of sustainable ICT systems or applications. ICT4S is devoted to
covering all types of research, developments and applications of ICT to
support sustainability. In this context, there are still numerous problems
to be addressed that require collaborative research across multiple

To provide a broader forum for reporting on scientific progress as well as
practical experiences on ICT for sustainability, ICT4S 2022 invites
submissions (Research Paper track) that range from well-founded technical
papers, to exploratory, empirical and application papers. Papers recently
published in related journals (Journal-first Paper track) are also welcome.
Details of the different tracks are below:

Important Dates

- 14 Jan 2022: Abstract Submission
- 21 Jan 2022: Paper submission
- 28 Mar 2022: Acceptance notification
- 15 Apr 2022: Journal-first submission
- 30 Apr 2022: Journal-first acceptance notification

Research Paper Track

ICT4S 2022 will have the proceedings published by Conference Publishing
Services (CPS). Accepted submissions will be submitted to IEEE Xplore and
the IEEE Computer Society Digital Library. Content will be submitted to the
indexing companies for possible indexing. Indexing services are independent
organizations, and CPS cannot guarantee that any particular abstract or
index entry will be included in Ei Compendex or any other indexing

We welcome original papers reporting on research, development, case
studies, and experience and empirical reports in the field of ICT4S. The
following type of papers are possible:

- **Technical Papers** describing original scientifically rigorous
solutions to significant sustainability development problems. A technical
paper should clearly describe the problem addressed, the relevant state of
the art, the scientifically-founded solution, and the impact and benefits
of the contribution. Appropriate examples, synthetic or otherwise, should
be used to explain all aspects of the contribution.

- **Exploratory papers** describe new, non-conventional ICT for
sustainability development research positions or approaches. These papers
should challenge the status-quo and describe vision solutions based on new
ways of using ICT for the development of sustainable systems, tools,
methods and environments. They must clearly describe the inadequacies in
the current state-of-the-art and rigorously present their approach, clearly
demonstrating and discussing its pertinence, correctness and significance.

- **Application papers** provide a realistic and verifiable picture of the
current state-of-the-practice in ICT for sustainability and explore the
problems encountered by the industrial, community, or other adoption of
sustainability techniques. Contributions should describe and analyze the
application of ICT for sustainability techniques to industrial problems,
preferably identifying challenges, shortcomings, innovative solutions, and
concepts arising from the practical deployment of tools and techniques.

- **Empirical Evaluation papers** evaluating existing problem cases or
scientifically validating proposed solutions through, for example,
empirical studies, experiments, case studies, or simulations. The topic of
the evaluation presented in the paper must be clearly stated and motivated.
The research method must be sound and appropriate. The results must
highlight the advances found, but also the current gaps and challenges.

### Evaluation Process and Selection Criteria ###

ICT4S 2022 will follow a double-blind review process. The manuscripts
should be submitted for review anonymously (i.e., without listing the
author’s names on the paper) and references to own work should be made in
the third person.

All submitted papers will be reviewed by three members of the program
committee. Papers will be evaluated (in accordance with their type) based
on their novelty, significance, soundness, reproducibility, evaluation,
quality of presentation and appropriate comparison to related work, and
general presentation of the overall contribution. Since the ICT4S
conference is also a place where researchers and practitioners can exchange
personal perspectives on values and impact, particular attention will be
given to the explicit description and the significance of how the work has
or would positively impact any aspect of sustainability of the environment,
society or economy.

Journal-first Paper Track

Authors of recently published journal papers are invited to present their
work at ICT4S 2022, therefore providing an opportunity for the authors to
engage directly with the community and offering the attendees an additional
dimension to the conference program.

Journal First papers should relate to ICT4S and describe original results
that have not been presented at a conference. Papers that are extensions of
previous conference papers are not eligible. For a journal paper to be
eligible to participate, the paper must be: in scope of the conference (see
the conference topics), accepted in one of the following journals (if you
would like us to consider a paper published in another journal of equal
reputation to those presented in the list, please contact the Program
Chairs), and accepted for publication after January 1st, 2021 and before
December 31st, 2021.

List of considered journals: T-SUSC, SUSCOM, Technol. Forecast. Soc.
Change, Solutions, JSS, IST, GMD, JSDTL, Telematics and Informatics, STS,
FGCS, EIA Review, IEEE Series on Green Communications and Computing
Networks, INFOGG, Journal of Cleaner Production, JSME, Renewable and
Sustainable Energy Reviews, Applied Energy, Energy Policy, TSE, TOSEM,
Environ. Model. Softw., IEEE Software, IEEE Computer, CACM, SoSyM, ASE,

### Evaluation Process and Selection Criteria ###

Authors will be invited to present their journal paper at ICT4S 2022 after
a check that the paper satisfies the criteria listed above. Since the
papers have already been reviewed and accepted by the respective journals,
they will not be reviewed again for their technical content.

In case an exceptionally high number of submissions is received, we may not
be able to select all papers. In this case, priority will be given to the
papers with authors that have no (or fewer) papers accepted at other ICT4S
tracks. If we still need to select from papers with the same priority, we
will choose papers that best fit the technical program, offering a balance
across the conference topics.

Topics of interest

ICT4S 2022 seeks submissions to one of the proposed tracks (research papers
and journal-first papers) on diverse topics related to ICT for
sustainability, including, but not limited to:

- Sustainable community building via ICT
- Potential of ICT for economic growth and decentralization
- Green E-Commerce, sustainable online-shopping
- Digital Sufficiency / Digital Sobriety
- ICT and circular economy / circular society
- Sustainability-driven resilience by and of ICT
- Social sustainability implications, contributions and limitations of - ICT
- Enabling and systemic effects of ICT on society and/or the environment
- Smart cyber-physical systems (grids, city, home, farming)
- Sustainability in data centers and high-performance computing
- Green networking, monitoring and adaptation of software-intensive systems
and services
- ICT-induced behavioral and societal change
- Design principles for sustainable ICT
- Sustainable software engineering
- Sustainability of technical infrastructures
- Software for sustainable business governance
- Reduced hardware obsolescence
- Incentives and nudges for more sustainable ICT
- Challenges for an environmentally sustainable ICT industry
- Art and education in ICT for sustainability
- Systematic interdisciplinary efforts in ICT for sustainability
- Computational sustainability
- Climate informatics
- Blockchain and Sustainability
- Cloud and sustainability
- Smart and Sustainability
- FinTech and Sustainability
- IST sustainability and SDGs
- Agile & Sustainability

For more details, check out the website:

The organizing committee of ICT4S 2022

Best Wishes,

Prof. Ivan Machado, D.Sc.
Instituto de Computação da UFBA

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