[ecoop-info] ISEC'22 Call for Doctoral Symposium with Extended Submission Deadline

isec2022 .isoft isec2022.isoft at daiict.ac.in
Tue Oct 26 12:07:13 CEST 2021

Doctoral Symposium at ISEC 2022
Call for Research Abstracts: Doctoral Symposium [Extended Deadline]

ISEC 2022 will host a Doctoral Symposium for PhD research scholars in all
areas of software engineering. The Symposium aims to provide a friendly
atmosphere for research scholars to discuss their work and interact with
peers and other researchers in the area of software engineering. They can
also obtain detailed and constructive feedback on their research problems
and progress of work. The symposium also acts as a forum to discuss various
aspects in the journey of completing a PhD, discuss career opportunities
and aims to create a community of young scholars for further collaborative

The PhD symposium is targeted at PhD students in software engineering who
are currently in between the preliminary and penultimate stage of their
PhD. A student is at the preliminary stage, when the student has at least
identified a research topic, and ideally a problem. A student is at the
penultimate stage when that student has almost completed all the research
work and is ready to write the dissertation.

Selected papers will be published as part of the conference proceedings and
will be made available through the ACM Digital Library.

For more details, visit:

Doctoral Symposium Chairs
- Sridhar Chimalakonda, Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati
- Maria Kechagia, University College London (UCL)

Important Dates:
- Letter from PhD supervisor: 12 November 2021 [Extended]
- Submission of research abstract by PhD student: 12 November 2021
- Notification of acceptance or rejection: 10 December 2021
- Camera Ready copy due: 26 December 2021

Please upload your Research Abstract or share with your PhD scholars to
submit via the Easy Chair submission page:

ISEC 2022 Publicity Team

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