[ecoop-info] MoreVMs 2022 : Workshop on Modern Language Runtimes, Ecosystems, and VMs

Rodrigo Bruno rodrigo.bruno at tecnico.ulisboa.pt
Tue Jan 18 08:24:06 CET 2022


              Call for Extended Abstracts and Talks: MoreVMs’22

                              6th Workshop on

               Modern Language Runtimes, Ecosystems, and VMs

                      Co-located with ‹Programming›’22

                  March 22nd, 2022, Porto, Portugal



Following six previous successful editions, the MoreVMs’22 workshop aims to
bring together industrial and academic programmers to discuss the design,
implementation, and usage of modern languages and runtimes. This includes
aspects such as reuse of language runtimes, modular implementation,
language design, and compilation strategies. By bringing together both
researchers and practitioners, the workshop aims to enable a diverse
discussion on how languages and runtimes are currently being utilized, and
where they need to improve further.

In addition to conventional workshop-style submissions, MoreVMs also
accepts (and encourages) submissions that present early-stage work and
emerging ideas.

Relevant topics include, but are definitely not limited to, the following:

 - Extensible VM design (compiler- or interpreter-based VMs)

 - Reusable components (e.g. interpreters, garbage collectors, ...)

 - Static and dynamic compilation techniques

 - Techniques for targeting high-level languages such as JavaScript

 - Interoperability between languages

 - Tooling support (e.g. debugging, profiling, etc.)

 - Programming language development environments

 - Case studies of existing language implementation approaches

 - Language implementation challenges and trade-offs

 - Surveys and usage reports to understand usage in the wild

 - Ideas for more predictable performance

 - Ideas for how VMs could take advantage of new hardware features

 - Ideas for how we should build languages in the future

Workshop Format and Submissions


We welcome presentation proposals in the form of extended abstracts (2 to 4

pages long), talk proposals (title and 400 words abstract), and blog posts,
discussing new

techniques, insights, experiences, works-in-progress, as well as future

visions, from either an academic or industrial perspective.

The extended abstracts and talk proposals, and if the speakers wish, their
slides, will be published on the workshop's website. Alternatively,
extended abstracts can be published as part of the companion of
‹Programming›’22 in the ACM DL. Publication in the ACM DL is conditional on
the acceptance by the program committee.

Please note that MoreVMs’22 is organized as an academic workshop, and as
such, speakers will be required to register for the workshop. We regret
that we are unable to cover registration, travel, or accommodation costs
for authors.

Important Dates


Extended abstract and talk submissions:  2022-01-27

Author notification:                     2022-02-15

Camera Ready:                           2022-03-01

Workshop:                                2022-03-22

All deadlines are Anywhere on Earth (AoE), i.e. GMT/UTC-12:00 hour.



Rodrigo Bruno, INESC-ID / Técnico, ULisboa, Portugal

Michael Engel, NTNU, Norway


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