[ecoop-info] Call for Participation: ICMT 2009

Dennis Wagelaar dennis.wagelaar at vub.ac.be
Thu Jun 4 16:28:38 CEST 2009

     Theory and Practice of Model Transformations
     Co-located with TOOLS EUROPE 2009

June 29-30 2009 - ETH Zürich, Switzerland



Modelling is now essential for dealing with the complexity of IT
systems during their development and maintenance processes. Models
allow engineers to precisely capture relevant aspects of a system from
a given perspective and at an appropriate level of abstraction. As
models grow in use for developing IT systems, transformations between
models grow in importance. Model transformations allow the definition
and implementation of operations on models, and also provide a chain
that enables the automated development of a system from its
corresponding models. Furthermore, model transformations may also be
realized using models, and are, therefore, an integral part of any
model-driven approach.

There are already several proposals for model transformation
specification, implementation, and execution, which are beginning to
be used by Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) practitioners. However,
model transformations require specialized support in order to realize
their full potential: we also must understand their foundations, their
semantics, and their structuring mechanisms and properties (e.g.,
modularity, composability, and parameterization). We should find
effective and efficient ways to treat transformations as first-class
assets in MDE, allowing them to be stored, managed, discovered and
reused. At the same time, we must be able to chain together and
combine model transformations in order to produce new and more
powerful transformations, and to be able to implement new operations on
models. Finally, model transformations must have methodology support,
i.e., they need to be integrated into software development
methodologies supported by appropriate tools and environments.


ICMT 2009 will bring together researchers and practitioners to share
experiences in using model transformations. ICMT 2009 combines a
strong practical focus with theoretical approaches required in any
discipline that supports engineering practices. Of particular interest
to the organisers of ICMT 2009 are papers that describe challenges for
model transformation technology, e.g., large-scale experiments in
transformation, or problems that are thought to be difficult in model
transformation in general, or for specific classes of model
transformation tools.

ICMT 2009 will be held at the ETH premises in Zurich, Switzerland, and
will host invited talks, technical sessions, and panels. As a working
conference, ICMT 2009 will foster the interactions between the
participants, stimulating lively debates and discussions around the
topics of interest of the conference. A new feature planned for ICMT
2009 is a dedicated session for tools presentations and
demonstrations, designed to inform the community of the state-of-the-
art in tooling for model transformation.

ICMT 2009 participants will explore the practical problems of existing
languages, tools, and environments for transforming models, and
discuss the new challenges ahead. In particular, the conference will
address questions about the nature and features of model
transformations, their composability and combination to build new
model transformations and implement high-level model management
operations (e.g., merge, union, difference). The conference will also
address the classification of languages for expressing
transformations, the measurement of the quality and extra-functional
requirements of model transformations (e.g., scalability, robustness,
adaptability, reusability), and the definition of development
methodologies that allow exploiting all their potential benefits. A
special interest of the conference is on the relationships between
model transformation theory and tools, and transformations in other
domains, e.g., data transformation, program transformation. Papers
that relate model transformation to other domains are particularly


*  Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara and Fernando Orejas. Pattern-Based
Transformation: Handling Attribute Conditions
* Yingfei Xiong, Hui Song, Zhenjiang Hu and Masato Takeichi. Supporting
Updates with Bidirectional Model Transformation
* Gábor Bergmann, Ákos Horváth, Istvan Rath and Daniel Varro. Efficient
Transformations by Combining Pattern Matching Strategies
* Perdita Stevens. A simple game-theoretic approach to checkonly QVT
* Thomas Hettel, Michael Lawley and Kerry Raymond. Towards Model Round-trip
Engineering: An Abductive Approach
* Sagar Sen, Benoit Baudry and Jean-Marie Mottu. Automatic Model
Generation Strategies
for Model Transformation Testing
* Andrés Vignaga, Frédéric Jouault, María Cecilia Bastarrica and Hugo
Typing in Model Management
* Roy Grønmo, Stein Krogdahl and Birger Møller-Pedersen. A Collection
Operator for
Graph Transformation
* Iván García-Magariño, Jorge Gómez-Sanz and Rubén Fuentes-Fernández. Model
transformation by-example: an algorithm for generating many-to-many
rules in several model transformation languages
* Andreas Petter, Alexander Behring and Max Mühlhäuser. Solving
Constraints in Model
* Guillaume Hillairet, Frédéric Bertrand and Jean-Yves Lafaye. Rewriting
Queries By
Means of Model Transformations from SPARQL to OQL and vice-versa
* Sven Apel, Florian Janda, Salvador Trujillo and Christian Kaestner. Model
Superimposition in Software Product Lines
* Antonio Cicchetti, Davide Di Ruscio and Alfonso Pierantonio. Managing
changes in coupled evolution
* Juan Manuel Vara, Belén Vela, Veronica Andrea Bollati and Esperanza
Supporting Model-Driven Development of Object-Relational Database
Schemas: a Case Study
* Marcel van Amstel, Christian Lange and Mark van den Brand. Using
Metrics for
Assessing the Quality of ASF+SDF Model Transformations
* Jesús Sánchez Cuadrado, Frédéric Jouault, Jesus Garcia-Molina and Jean
Experiments with a High-Level Navigation Language
* Marcos Didonet Del Fabro, Patrick Albert, Jean Bezivin and Frédéric
Achieving rule interoperability using chains of model transformations


Registration is handled by ETH Zurich. Details can be found at


Early registration deadline is *7 June 2009*


Program Chair
Richard Paige    University of York (UK)

Publicity Chair
Dennis Wagelaar    Vrije Universiteit Brussels (Belgium)

Further information about the ICMT 2009 conference can be found at:


Benjamin Pierce            U. Pennsylvania (USA)


Andreas Rummler         SAP (Germany)
Andreas Winter             Koblenz University (Germany)
Andy Schürr             TU Darmstadt (Germany)
Bernhard Rumpe             TU Braunschweig (Germany)
Charles Consel             INRIA / LaBRI (France)
Daniel Varro             University of Budapest (Hungary)
Davide Di Ruscio         University of L'Aquila (Italy)
Dimitrios Kolovos         University of York (UK)
Ed Willink             Thales Research (UK)
Esperanza Marcos         U. Rey Juan Carlos (Spain)
Francisco Parisi-Presicce     University of Rome (Italy)
Frédéric Jouault         INRIA (France)
Gabriele Taentzer         Philipps-U. Marburg (Germany)
Gerti Kappel             TU Vienna (Austria)
Gregor Engels             U. Paderborn (Germany)
Günter Kniesel             University of Bonn (Germany)
Hans Vangheluwe         McGill University (Canada)
Howard Ho             IBM Almaden Research (USA)
Ivan Porres             Åbo Akademi (Finland)
Jean-Marie Favre         University of Grenoble (France)
Jens Weber             University of Victoria (Canada)
Jesús García-Molina         Universidad de Murcia (Spain)
Jim Steel             Queensland U. (Australia)
Jon Whittle             Lancaster University (UK)
Jordi Cabot             Open Univ. of Catalonia (Spain)
Laurence Tratt             Bournemouth University (UK)
Luciano Baresi             Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
Marc Pantel             University of Toulouse (France)
Martin Gogolla             University of Bremen (Germany)
Nicolas Rouquette         NASA/JPL (USA)
Orlando Avila-Garcia         Open Canarias (Spain)
Piero Fraternali         Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
Reiko Heckel             University of Leicester (UK)
Thomas Kuehne            V.U. Wellington (New Zealand)
Vicente Pelechano         U. Politécnica de Valencia (Spain)
Vinay Kulkarni             Tata R&D (India)
Yasemin Topaloglu         Ege University (Turkey)


Alfonso Pierantonio        University of L’Aquila (Italy)
Antonio Vallecillo        University of Málaga (Spain)
Jean Bézivin            Univ. Nantes/INRIA (France)
Jeff Gray            Univ. Alabama at Birmingham (USA)

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