[ecoop-info] CCGrid 2010 Paper Submission Deadline is Extended to Nov. 13, 2009!

S. Masoud Sadjadi sadjadi at cs.fiu.edu
Sat Oct 24 16:19:18 CEST 2009

[Apology for cross postings! If you do not want to receive emails about 

CCGRID-2010, please just drop me a line at sadjadi at cs.fiu.edu.]


Dear Colleagues,


Please find below this email the FINAL call for papers for CCGrid 2010 

conference. On numerous request from our colleagues, we have extended

deadline for submission of papers for CCGrid 2010 to Nov. 13, 2009. 


Please note that the page limit is 10 pages in IEEE format.


I would like to encourage you to submit the current version of your

as soon as you can and sumbit the final version by Nov. 13, 2009. Please

submit using only the submission system:



As you may know, in 2010, CCGrid will return to Melbourne, Australia to 

celebrate its 10th anniversary, which will be held on May 17-20, 2010, 

in Melbourne, Australia. Please share the CFP with your students, 

friends, and colleagues and encourage them to send a paper. CCGrid

would love to have an opportunity to welcome and host your visit to


For more information, you can also go to the CCGRID-2010 Web site:



Best regards,

Masoud Sadjadi

CCGRID-2010 Publicity Chair




            The 10th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on

           Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid 2010)

                 May 17-20, 2010, Melbourne, Australia




                           Sponsored by:

     IEEE Computer Society / Technical Committee on Scalable Computing


                        Hosted/Organised by:

       * Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (CLOUDS) Laboratory,

                  The University of Melbourne, Australia


        * ISSNIP: ARC Research Network on Intelligent Sensors,

             Sensor Networks and Information Processing


             * Manjrasoft Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia


                * NSF Center for Autonomic Computing

          Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, USA




                        CALL FOR PAPERS




   ***************** Papers Due:  November 13, 2009 (extended)**********





Tremendous advances in processing, communication and systems/middleware
technologies are leading to new paradigms and platforms for computing,
ranging from computing Clusters to widely distributed Grid and emerging
Clouds. CCGrid is a series of very successful conferences, sponsored by
the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Scalable Computing

(TCSC) and ACM, with the overarching goal of bringing together
international researchers, developers, and users and to provide an
international forum to present leading research activities and results
on a broad range of topics related to these platforms and paradigms and
their applications. The conference features keynotes, technical
presentations, posters, workshops, tutorials, as well as the SCALE
challenges featuring live demonstrations.


In 2010, CCGrid will return to Australia, to Melbourne, to celebrate its
10th anniversary. CCGrid 2010 will have a special focus on three
important and immediate issues that are significantly influencing all
aspects of Cluster, Cloud and Grid computing: Economics, Environment and
Autonomics. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:


* Paradigms and Technologies: System architectures, Design and
deployment; Programming models, language, systems and
tools/environments; Virtualization; Middleware technologies; Volunteer


* Service-Orientation: Service oriented architectures; Utility

computing models;         *aaS paradigm; Service composition and


* Greening: Environment friendly computing ecosystems;
Hardware/software/application energy efficiency; Power and cooling;
Thermal/power awareness


* Autonomic Management: Self-* behaviors, models and technologies;
Autonomic paradigms and approaches (control-based, bio-inspired,
emergent, etc.); Bio-inspired approaches to management; SLA definition
and enforcement;


* Economic Aspects: Utility models and computing economies;
Economic-based models and approaches.


* Monitoring and Evaluation: Performance models; Monitoring and
evaluation tools, Analysis of system/application performance; Benchmarks
and testbeds.


* Security and Trust: Cloud/Grid security and trust; Access control;
Data privacy and integrity; Regulation.


* Applications and Experiences: Applications to real and complex
problems in science, engineering, business and society; User studies;
Experiences with large-scale deployments systems or applications.




Authors are invited to submit papers electronically. Submitted
manuscripts should be structured as technical papers and may not exceed
10 letter size (8.5 x 11) pages including figures, tables and references
using the IEEE format for conference proceedings (print area of 6-1/2
inches (16.51 cm) wide by 8-7/8 inches (22.51 cm) high, two-column
format with columns 3-1/16 inches (7.85 cm) wide with a 3/8 inch (0.81

cm) space between them, single-spaced 10-point Times fully justified
text). Submissions not conforming to these guidelines may be returned
without review. Authors should submit the manuscript in PDF format and
make sure that the file will print on a printer that uses letter size

(8.5 x 11) paper. The official language of the meeting is English. All
manuscripts will be reviewed and will be judged on correctness,
originality, technical strength, significance, quality of presentation,
and interest and relevance to the conference attendees.


Submitted papers must represent original unpublished research that is
not currently under review for any other conference or journal. Papers
not following these guidelines will be rejected without review and
further action may be taken, including (but not limited to)
notifications sent to the heads of the institutions of the authors and
sponsors of the conference. Submissions received after the due date,
exceeding length limit, or not appropriately structured may also not be
considered. Authors may contact the conference PC Chair for more
information. The proceedings will be published through the IEEE Computer
Society Press, USA and will be made online through the IEEE Digital




CCGrid 2010 is inviting proposals for organising of co-located and
peer-reviewed workshops on emerging topics. For details, please visit:








General Chair:

Rajkumar Buyya, University of Melbourne and Manjrasoft Pty Ltd,


Program Committee Chair:

Manish Parashar, Rutgers University, USA


Vice Chairs


                Applications And Experiences

                Geoffrey Fox, Indiana University, USA



                David Bader, Georgia Tech, USA


                Programming Models and Systems

                Carlos Varela, RPI, USA



                Thomas Fahringer, University of Innsbruck, Austria


                Performance Modeling and Evaluation

                Dick Epema, Delft University, Netherland


Workshop Chair

Omer F. Rana, Welsh eScience Center and Cardiff University, UK


Industry Track Chair

Geng Lin, Cisco Systems, USA


Posters Chair

Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Laboratory, US


Publicity Chair

Masoud Sadjadi, FIU, US

Cho-Li Wang, University of Hong Kong, China 


Tutorials Chair

Sushil Prasad, University of GA, US


Research Demos/Competitions Chair (SCALE Challenge) Shantenu Jha, LSU,
USA/eSI, UK Dan Katz, University of Chicago/ANL, US


Local Organising Chair

James Broberg, University of Melbourne, Australia


Cyber Chair

Suraj Pandey, University of Melbourne, Australia





Papers Due:       November 13, 2009

Notification of Acceptance:  Jan 11, 2010

Camera Ready Papers Due:     Feb 05, 2010





Papers conforming to the above guidelines can be submitted through the
CCGrid 2010 paper submission system (http://www.edas.info/N8181)





Masoud Sadjadi, PhD                  

Assistant Professor                  

School of Computing and Information Sciences         

Florida International University     

University Park, ECS 212C            

11200 SW 8th St., Miami, FL 33199 


Email:  sadjadi at cs.fiu.edu

Web:  www.cs.fiu.edu/~sadjadi

Tel:  305-348-1835

Fax:  305-348-2336



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