[ecoop-info] CDVE2011 Call for Papers

cdve2011 cdve2011 at uib.es
Wed Dec 8 13:08:19 CET 2010

The 8th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization 
and Engineering, Sept. 11-14, 2011, Osaka University, Japan (www.cdve.org)

We are excited to announce that the CDVE2011 will be held in Osaka, 
Japan, a very dynamic Japanese city with beautiful surroundings. The 
conference will have rich presentations and social activities, much more 
than ever.

The CDVE2011 proceedings will be published again by the LNCS.

You are welcome to submit papers related to the conference themes. We 
recommend you to submit an abstract first for both full or short papers. 
All contributions about cooperative design, visualization, engineering 
and other applications that have not been published or
submitted elsewhere are welcome. Please see our conference themes on 
www.cdve.org for more details.

The important dates are:

Abstract submission for both full and short papers: Feb. 15, 2011

Full Paper submission (8 pages) April 1, 2011
Notification of acceptance May 15, 2011
Final camera ready paper due and registration for accepted paper authors 
: June 10, 2011

Short Paper submission (4 pages): April 20, 2011.
Notification of acceptance May 15, 2011
Final camera ready paper due and registration for accepted paper 
authors: June 10, 2011

Early registration for all participants:  July 31, 2011

September 11-14, 2011:  CDVE2011 conference at Osaka University, Japan

We look forward to welcoming you in Osaka!

The 8th International Conference on
Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering
September 11-14, 2011
Osaka, Japan

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