[ecoop-info] [simu-conf] Mod4Sim - Call for Papers

vsim-conf at sce.carleton.ca vsim-conf at sce.carleton.ca
Thu Oct 14 16:33:48 CEST 2010


               1st International Workshop on
      Model-driven Approaches for Simulation Engineering

   part of the Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation
                     (SCS SpringSim 2011)

                       CALL FOR PAPERS


April 4-9, 2011, Boston, MA (USA)


# Papers Due: *** November 21, 2011 ***
# Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings
# and archived in the ACM Digital Library.


The workshop on model-driven approaches for simulation
engineering (Mod4Sim) aims to combine the most recent advances
in the software engineering field with well-known and widely used
techniques for simulation engineering.

The term simulation engineering denotes the set of activities to 
be carried out first to build the simulation model that 
specifies the behavior of a given source system and then to 
implement the simulation model into a software application that 
allows to "execute" the model onto a given centralized or 
distributed computer platform.

In the software engineering community, the exploitation of 
principles and standards introduced in the model-driven 
engineering field has obtained a significant increase of the 
degree of automation provided by software development processes 
and has led to software products with higher quality and 
reduced costs and time-to-market.

The Mod4Sim workshop aims to investigate the use of model-
driven approaches in the simulation engineering field and 
provides a unique opportunity to bring together leading 
researchers and practitioners from both the software engineering 
community and the simulation community in a focused workshop 

A non-exhaustive list of topics of interest includes:

 * model-driven simulation engineering processes
 * domain specific languages for modeling and simulation
 * model transformations for simulation model building
 * model transformations for simulation model implementation
 * model-driven engineering of distributed simulation systems
 * relationship between metamodeling standards (e.g., MOF, Ecore) 
   and distributed simulation standards (e.g., HLA, DIS)
 * metamodels for simulation reuse and interoperability
 * model-driven technologies for different simulation paradigms 
   (discrete event simulation, multi agent simulation, 
   sketch-based simulation, etc.)
 * model-driven methods and tools for performance engineering of 
   simulation systems
 * simulation tools for model-driven software performance 
 * model-driven technologies for simulation verification and 
 * model-driven technologies for data collection and analysis
 * model-driven technologies for simulation visualization

To stimulate creativity, however, the workshop maintains a wider 
scope and invites interested researchers to present contributions 
that offer original perspectives on model-driven engineering of 
simulation systems.

On-Line Submissions and Publication

The Mod4Sim workshop accepts the following three types of papers:

 1. Full Papers: 8 pages in final conference format. 
    Full papers will be published both in hard copy and CD-ROM.

 2. Work in Progress Papers: papers that describe novel research 
    ideas and promising work that has not yet been fully 
    evaluated. The size of such papers is up to 6 pages in final 
    conference format. 

 3. Short Papers: Papers with industrial focus, military or 
    government applications. The size of such papers is up to 6 
    pages in final conference format.  

Papers must be submitted as a PDF file through the Submission 
Management System (http://www.softconf.com/scs/DEVS11).

The final version of all the papers must comply with the SCS 
conference format. All the submitted papers should be original 
and not have been submitted to other venues; they will be peer 
reviewed with respect to their quality, originality and relevance. 
The authors of the accepted paper must register in advance for 
inclusion of their paper in the conference proceedings. 

All papers will be included in the conference proceedings and 
archived in the ACM Digital Library. Full Papers will be also 
printed in hard copy. 

Important Dates

 * Submission Deadline: November 21, 2010
 * Notification to authors: December 21, 2010
 * Camera-ready version: January 25, 2011
 * Workshop: April 4-9, 2011

Organizing Committee

 * Andrea D'Ambrogio, University of Roma TorVergata, Italy
 * Dorina C. Petriu, Carleton University, Canada

Program Committee

 * Steffen Becker - University of Paderborn, Germany
 * David Chen - Univeristy of Bordeaux I, France
 * Juan De Lara - Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
 * Huascar Espinoza - ESI-Tecnalia, Spain
 * Paul A. Fishwick - University of Florida, USA
 * Daniele Gianni - European Space Agency, Netherlands
 * Carlos Juiz - University of Balearic Islands, Spain
 * Halit Oğuztüzün - Middle East Technical University, Turkey
 * Andreas Tolk - Old Dominion University, USA
 * Hans Vangheluwe - University of Antwerp, Belgium
 * Heming Zhang - Tsinghua University, China

*** Contact Information ***

Andrea D'Ambrogio (workshop co-chair)
Email: dambro at info.uniroma2.it

[Apologies for multiple postings. Problems: contact gwainer at sce.carleton.ca]

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