Nathaniel Bobbitt BobbittN at cwu.edu
Sat Apr 2 15:39:52 CEST 2011

We invite submissions to the Springer journal Cognitive Computation for
a special issue on Pointing at 
Boundaries: Integrating Computation and Cognition on Biological Grounds.
The submission deadline 
is May 16, 2011. 
Spurred by the advancement in synthetic biology (Gibson et al., 2010) at
the J. Craig Venter Research 
Institute the editors of Cognitive Computation Journal (Springer
Science) invite submissions to a 
special issue on biological substrates as a computational diaphragm.
This topic leads to further research 
questions on computation and the bio-signals produced by living
We anticipate submissions will contribute to the identification of a new
breed of technologies: 1.) bio- 
computing applications (synthetic biology); 2.) chemical/microbial
induced biological configurations; 
3.) enhancing cognition and animal models; and 4.) neuroengineering
sensory circuits and 
clinical/biomedical research. This special issue will provide a forum
for interdisciplinary discussion 
that points towards the next step in cognition and computing through the
excitability of biological 

The integration of computation and cognition on biological grounds has
the prospect of pointing at a 
boundary system that is excitable, configurable, and manipulated within
the framework of living 
organisms and their biological substrates. The next step in the
development of natural computing 
hinges upon the development of biological substrates as a computational
Authors are invited to submit unpublished research, original position
papers, or literature reviews that 
address challenges unique to bio-inspired computation. Relevant areas of
investigation and expertise 
include, but are not limited to: 

• synthetic biology, systematic biology, soft-computing 
• computation theory (membrane, natural, quantum, or evolutionary) 
• bio-nanotechnology, computational biology, computational linguistics 
• medical informatics (decision making, medical diagnostics,
catastrophic disease research) 
• underlying spatial and self-modulating aspects of biological
substrates (sRNA, siRNA, proteomics) 
• bio-optics: quorum sensing, bio-markers, molecular probes 
• neurobiology, gene regulation, neural circuits 
• pharmaceutical and biomedical cellular delivery systems 
• chemical ecology, interfacing with aliphatic odors (GPCR encoding) 
• neural signal transduction, neurotransmitters 
• neuroimaging, neuroanatomy, neurophysiology 
• mirror neurons, neuropsychology, theory of mind, simulation theory 
• swarm intelligence, theory of intelligence, consciousness 
• hierarchical temporal memory, heterogenous logic 
• neuroplasticity, learning, memory 
• “games with purpose” or collaborative task experimentation 
• bayesian biomedical techniques (clinical studies, morphological data,
in vitro embryo selection) 
• translational cognition for decision support in critical care
• soft-computing research and control of unknown diseases 
• “molecule to man” decision support in individualized e-health 
• biomedical informatics and pharmacogenomics 
• animal behavior, transgenics models 
• developmental biology, embryology 
• linguistic or philosophic barriers to bio-computing 
• cladistics, detecting and overcoming systematic errors in genome-scale

This special issue places into perspective computation and cognition
from a post-genome viewpoint. 
Since the Human Genome Project recent discovieries suggest a
bio-computation that specifies a more 
complex mechanisms along a multi-scale. Where a micro-meso-macro
feedback occurs as a systemic 
self-organization with non-linear dynamics. Participation in this
project proposes to advance the 
break with the "dogma" of one gene producing only one class of protein,
assumed in the classic 
Monod-Changeux-Jacob model of the "Operon.the phenotype of living systems the incubation of bio-computing may gain
strides through experimental literature on "small RNAs" (sRNA)
interfering with gene expression 
and protein production. Through the manipulation of biological
emerges the prospect to identify recipes for combinatorial,
multidimensional, and topological 
organizations with a dynamics that escape conventional spatial or
temporal-spatial representation. A 
biological substrate represents a self-contained symbolic and logical

This special issue is expected to appear in JUN 2012. 

Post submissions at: http://www.editorialmanager.com/cogn/ 
Co-Editors Alfredo Pereira Jr., Eduardo Massad, Nathaniel Bobbitt 
bobbittn at cwu.edu 
Important Dates 
Submission of full paper (to be received by): MAY 16, 2011 
First notification of acceptance: AUG. 15, 2011 
Submission of revised papers: OCT 15, 2011 
Final notification to the authors: JAN 15, 2011 
Submission of final/camera-ready papers: FEB 15, 2012 


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