[ecoop-info] Last cfp DUI 2013: 3rd Workshop on Distributed User Interfaces: Models, Methods and Tools

MARIA DOLORES LOZANO PEREZ Maria.Lozano at uclm.es
Wed Apr 24 11:33:14 CEST 2013

(Apologies for cross-postings)

CALL FOR PAPERS  (NEW: Extended Deadline: April 29th, 2013)

3rd Workshop on Distributed User Interfaces: Models, Methods and Tools (http://www.dui-workshop.org)

To be held at the fifth ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems - EICS 2013

City University London, UK, June 24-27, 2013

Distributed User Interfaces (DUIs) have recently become a new field of research and development in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). The DUIs have brought about drastic changes affecting the way interactive systems are conceived. DUIs have gone beyond the fact that user interfaces are controlled by a single end user on the same computing platform in the same environment. This new interaction mechanism affects the way these novel systems are designed and developed. New features need to be taken into account from the very beginning of the development process and new models, methods, and tools need to be considered for the correct development of interactive systems based on Distributed User Interfaces. Therefore, the goal of this workshop is to promote the discussion about the emerging topic of DUIs, answering a set of key questions regarding their development: How current UI models can be used or extended to cover the new features of DUIs?. What new features should be considered and how should they be included within the development process?. What new methods and methodologies do we need to develop DUIs in a correct way following the quality standards for interactive systems?

* Model-based approaches for DUI
* Conceptual models for DUIs
* Process Models for DUIs
* DUIs Development life cycle
* Modeling Methods and Tools
* DUIs and User-Centered Design
* Model-Driven Engineering and DUIs
* Quality Models for DUIs 

Participants are required to submit a 4 page position paper formatted according to SIGCHI publication format (http://www.sigchi.org/publications/chipubform/sigchi-papers-word-template/view). 
Papers should be submitted through (https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?conf=dui2013).
Extended versions of a selection of high quality papers will be proposed to be submitted to a Special Issue of an International Journal in the field of HCI. Further information will be posted soon
Submission Deadline:  April 29th, 2013   ** NEW!- Extended deadline **
Author Notification:  May 6th, 2013 
Camera-Ready Deadline: May 13th, 2013
Workshop Date:  June, 24th, 2013 
* María Dolores Lozano, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain	maria.lozano at uclm.es 
  José A. Gallud, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain		jose.gallud at uclm.es
  Víctor M. R. Penichet, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain	victor.penichet at uclm.es
  Ricardo Tesoriero, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain	ricardo.tesoriero at uclm.es
  Jean Vanderdonckt, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium	jean.vanderdonckt at uclouvain.be
  Habib Fardoun, King AbdulAzziz Universit, Saudi Arabia		hfardoun at kau.edu.sa 
* Contact organizer.

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