April 2013 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Apr 1 02:54:07 CEST 2013
Ending: Tue Apr 30 19:28:51 CEST 2013
Messages: 133
- [ecoop-info] SIGDIAL 2013 CONFERENCE : 22-24 August 2013 : Metz, France : Paper submission now open
Jason Williams (MSR)
- [ecoop-info] SIGDIAL 2013 CONFERENCE : 22-24 August 2013 : Metz, France : FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS
Jason Williams (MSR)
- [ecoop-info] CDVE2013 short paper deadline approaching!
cdve 2012
- [ecoop-info] Feedback Computing 2013 - Deadline extended to April 10th
Feedback Computing 2013
- [ecoop-info] 2nd CFP Synasc 2013, Timisoara, Romania
- [ecoop-info] ASE 2013: Second call for papers
- [ecoop-info] Call For Papers [CFP] DeMobile at FSE 2013
Aharon Abadi
- [ecoop-info] Call For Papers [CFP] DeMobile at FSE 2013
Aharon Abadi
- [ecoop-info] Call for Contributions: CSER 2013 Spring Meeting (Montréal)
Bram Adams
- [ecoop-info] CfP: International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS 2013) - Deadline extended
Paris Avgeriou
- [ecoop-info] Two PhD positions at INRIA in software engineering
Benoit Baudry
- [ecoop-info] Abstract deadline approaching - 29th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance
Veronika Bauer
- [ecoop-info] Abstract deadline approaching - 13th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation
Veronika Bauer
- [ecoop-info] Deadline extended - 13th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation
Veronika Bauer
- [ecoop-info] Deadline approaching - Model-Driven Requirements Engineering (MoDRE) Workshop at RE 2013
Nelly Bencomo
- [ecoop-info] CfP: 8th International Workshop on Models at run.time
Nelly Bencomo
- [ecoop-info] Post Doc Position in Data Science Lab, Ryerson University
Ayse Bener
- [ecoop-info] PostDoc position at the University of Chile
Alexandre Bergel
- [ecoop-info] ECMFA ECOOP ECSA 2013: call for demonstrations and posters extended deadline
Carre Bernard
- [ecoop-info] CFP: IEEE SRDS 2013 (Deadline Extended)
Alysson Bessani
- [ecoop-info] ICSOC 2013 - Call for Workshop Proposals
Domenico Bianculli
- [ecoop-info] CfP - QASBA 2013 - 2nd International Workshop on Quality Assurance for Service-based applications - deadline extended
Domenico Bianculli
- [ecoop-info] CFP VINCI 2013: 6th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (2-week deadline reminder)
Robert Biuk-Aghai
- [ecoop-info] CFP VINCI 2013: 6th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (1-week deadline reminder)
Robert Biuk-Aghai
- [ecoop-info] CfP: The 5th Workshop on Non-functional Properties in Modeling: Analysis, languages, Processes (NIM-ALP2013, previously NFPinDSML)
Marko Boskovic
- [ecoop-info] Final CFP: IEEE Conference iThings 2013, Beijing China
Julien Bourgeois
- [ecoop-info] Final Call for Papers: International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2013)!
David Brown
- [ecoop-info] Final Call for Papers: International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2013)!
David Brown
- [ecoop-info] CloudComp 2013: The 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing (Deadline May 30th)
- [ecoop-info] CFP for IEEE CPSCom 2013 Conference (Aug 20-23, 2013, Beijing, China) - deadline April 17
- [ecoop-info] CFP for IEEE CPSCom 2013 Conference (Aug 20-23, 2013, Beijing, China) - deadline April 17
- [ecoop-info] 2013 IEEE Ubiquitous Science Congress(U-Science2013) Call For Paper
- [ecoop-info] Data Mining Call for papers - 9th International Conference on Data Mining (DMIN'13)
DMIN13 Programme Chair
- [ecoop-info] CfP MMM 2014: 20th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling
MMM 2014 Chairs
- [ecoop-info] Postdoc in High Assurance Software For Integrated Medical Devices at Kansas State University
Patrice Chalin
- [ecoop-info] CFP: 4th Workshop on Formal Methods and Analysis in Software Product Line Engineering (FMSPLE 2013)
Dave Clarke
- [ecoop-info] Postdoctoral positions on modeling language modularity, composability and variability (Triskell team, Inria & IRISA, Rennes, France)
Benoit Combemale
- [ecoop-info] CFP: IEEE CPSCom 2013 (deadline for submission: April 17)
Dr. Mauro Conti
- [ecoop-info] CiE 2013 - 2nd Call for Informal Presentations
S B Cooper
- [ecoop-info] Second CFP Third International Workshop PMDE'2013 in Montpellier, France
Bernard Coulette
- [ecoop-info] 18th Int.Conf. Reliable Software Technologies, Ada-Europe 2013
Dirk Craeynest
- [ecoop-info] Deadline Extension ESOCC 2013: European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing
Javier Cubo
- [ecoop-info] CFP WAS4FI 2013: 3rd Int. Workshop on Adaptive Services for the Future Internet
Javier Cubo
- [ecoop-info] CNSM 2013 - International Conference on Network and Service Management - Submission Extension: 6 May 2013 (final)
Yixin Diao
- [ecoop-info] Reminder: ICSM 2013 abstract submission due April 17, full paper submission due April 24
Natalia Dragan
- [ecoop-info] CFP: 2nd International Workshop on Data and Artifact-Centric BPM
Marlon Dumas
- [ecoop-info] 2nd CFP: 14th ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Middleware Conference
Tudor Dumitras
- [ecoop-info] Research Scientist Positions Available @CISTER: Parallel/distributed computing; Middleware and SoA
Luís Lino Ferreira
- [ecoop-info] CFP: IEEE HEALTHCOM 2013
Scott Fowler
- [ecoop-info] CFPs of CSS 2013 conference with 4 workshops
Scott Fowler
- [ecoop-info] CFP: IEEE HEALTHCOM 2013
Scott Fowler
- [ecoop-info] CFPs of CSS 2013 conference with 4 workshops
Scott Fowler
- [ecoop-info] CFP: IEEE HEALTHCOM 2013
Scott Fowler
- [ecoop-info] DEADLINE EXTENSION: ICCL Summer School 2013
Bertram Fronhöfer
- [ecoop-info] TPNC 2013: 1st call for papers
- [ecoop-info] [REMINDER] CFP of ISD2013 :-: Submission Deadline: 1st May, 2013
Julian Garcia
- [ecoop-info] FINAL CfP - Linked Open Data in Software Engineering (LODSE2013)
Gerd Gröner
- [ecoop-info] Last CFPs: 3rd Intl. Conf. on Current and Future Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare (Niagara Falls, Canada)
Bin Guo
- [ecoop-info] S&D4RCES: Third International workshop on Security and Dependability for RCES (Secure and dependable RCES by design) - CFP
Brahim HAMID
- [ecoop-info] Third International workshop on S&D for RCES (Secure and dependable RCES by design)- Extended Deadline
Brahim HAMID
- [ecoop-info] [fm-announcements] RV 2013 call for papers - deadline extension
Klaus Havelund
- [ecoop-info] Deadline Extension: COP workshop at ECOOP/ECMFA/ECSA 2013
Atsushi Igarashi
- [ecoop-info] World Congress on Internet Security (WorldCIS-2013): Call for Papers!
Paul Kelly
- [ecoop-info] World Congress on Internet Security (WorldCIS-2013): Call for Papers!
Paul Kelly
- [ecoop-info] Call for Papers: World Congress on Internet Security (WorldCIS-2013)
Paul Kelly
- [ecoop-info] RR 2013 Doctoral Consortium - Extended Deadlines
Domenico Lembo
- [ecoop-info] Call for Papers: World Congress on Internet Security (WorldCIS-2013)
Dan Lin
- [ecoop-info] Call for Papers for 'Human-Rules' - extended deadline
François Lévy
- [ecoop-info] Final CfP (extension): Trends in Functional Programming 2013
Jay McCarthy
- [ecoop-info] ModBE'13: Call for Contributions
- [ecoop-info] Deadline approaching - Comparing *Requirements* Modeling Approaches (CMA at RE) Workshop at RE 2013
Gunter Mussbacher
- [ecoop-info] PhD position in modelling and programming languages
Birger Møller-Pedersen
- [ecoop-info] Cfp COOMPL'13: Workshop on Combined Object-Oriented Modeling and Programming Languages Languages - deadline extension
Birger Møller-Pedersen
- [ecoop-info] CAISE 2013 Industry Track: Call for Papers
Ignacio Panach Navarrete
- [ecoop-info] Call for submissions: Doctoral Consortium at the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2013)
Natasha Noy
- [ecoop-info] BPMS2'13 (BPM and Social Software) - Call for papers
Selmin Nurcan
- [ecoop-info] Fifth SoEA4EE Workshop (@ EDOC) - Call for Papers / Service-oriented EA for Enterprise Engineering
Selmin Nurcan
Guadalupe Ortiz
- [ecoop-info] Last cfp DUI 2013: 3rd Workshop on Distributed User Interfaces: Models, Methods and Tools
- [ecoop-info] PNSE'13: Call for Contributions
- [ecoop-info] Deadline extension: ADVCOMP 2013 || September 29 - October 3, 2013 - Porto, Portugal
Cristina Pascual
- [ecoop-info] Deadline extension: EMERGING 2013 || September 29 - October 3, 2013 - Porto, Portugal
Cristina Pascual
- [ecoop-info] Deadline extension: UBICOMM 2013 || September 29 - October 3, 2013 - Porto, Portugal
Cristina Pascual
- [ecoop-info] ECAL'13 Paper & Abstract Submission Deadline Extended - Friday May 10
Mario Pavone
- [ecoop-info] ICARIS 2013 CFP: The 12th Int. Conf. on Artificial Immune Systems - August 27-29, 2013, Nottingham, UK
Mario Pavone
- [ecoop-info] ECAL'13 Paper & Abstract Submission Deadline Extended - Friday May 10
Mario Pavone
- [ecoop-info] CFP ICARIS 2013 - NEWS: extended deadline 18 May; Keynotes; special issue in NACO; student bursaries
Mario Pavone
- [ecoop-info] Postdoc Position in Programming Languages and Software Engineering
Rajan, Hridesh [COM S]
- [ecoop-info] CfP: IEEE SenseApp 2013 (21-24 October 2013 // Sydney, Australia)
Andreas Reinhardt
- [ecoop-info] CfP: IEEE SenseApp 2013 (21-24 October 2013 // Sydney, Australia)
Andreas Reinhardt
- [ecoop-info] CICLOPS 2013 - First Call For Papers
Ricardo Rocha
- [ecoop-info] ACM CAC 2013 - Call for Posters and Demos
Ivan Rodero
- [ecoop-info] CfP e-HPWAS'13: International Workshop on e-Health Pervasive Wireless Applications and Services
Philippe Roose
- [ecoop-info] Call for Papers: BigMDE - Scalable Model Driven Engineering
Davide Di Ruscio
- [ecoop-info] [Call for contributions] SATToSE 2013: 6th Seminar Series on Advanced Techniques & Tools for Software Evolution
Davide Di Ruscio
- [ecoop-info] ACadeMics Tooling with Eclipse (ACME2013): Extended Deadlines
Davide Di Ruscio
- [ecoop-info] CFP - 26th IEEE International SoC Conference (SOCC2013) - EXTENDED DEADLINE
- [ecoop-info] MASPEGHI 2013 deadline changed
Markku Sakkinen
- [ecoop-info] 1st CFP: ISWC'13 workshop on Ontology Matching (OM-2013)
Pavel Shvaiko
- [ecoop-info] 1st CFP: ISWC'13 workshop on Ontology Matching (OM-2013)
Pavel Shvaiko
- [ecoop-info] 1st CFP: ISWC'13 workshop on Ontology Matching (OM-2013)
Pavel Shvaiko
- [ecoop-info] CALCO Tools 2013: Deadline Extension
Alexandra Silva
- [ecoop-info] IV ECCOMAS Thematic Conference VipIMAGE 2013: SUBMISSION DEADLINE EXTENDED
João Manuel R. S. Tavares
- [ecoop-info] CALL FOR PAPERS - 2013 IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Energy Systems (IWIES)
Strasser Thomas
- [ecoop-info] 2nd CFP: 1st IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT 2013)
Jonas Trümper
- [ecoop-info] CFP: Workshop on Decision Mining & Modeling for Business Processes (BPM 2013)
Jan Vanthienen
- [ecoop-info] [ICCASA 2013] Special Track on **Context Awareness, Pervasive COmputing, and Mobility** (CAPCOM2013)
Phan Cong Vinh
- [ecoop-info] Workshop on Domain Specific Languages Design and Implementation (DSLDI)
Adam Welc
- [ecoop-info] FMCAD 2013 Second Call for Papers
Chao Yan
- [ecoop-info] CFP for ICOOOLPS 2013
Olivier Zendra
- [ecoop-info] CFP for ICOOOLPS 2013
Olivier Zendra
- [ecoop-info] CFP for ICOOOLPS 2013 (extended deadline)
Olivier Zendra
- [ecoop-info] [Call For Paper] IEEE iThings'2013, IEEE CPSCom'2013, and IEEE GreenCom'2013
Daqiang Zhang
- [ecoop-info] (Extended deadline) PANSOM2013 Workshop on Understanding the Positive and Negative Sides of Social Media at IJCAI-13; submission deadline April 20
ampaeli cano
- [ecoop-info] CDVE2013 short paper deadline approaching!
- [ecoop-info] Foundations of Health Information Engineering and Systems (FHIES 2013) - final call for papers
Jeremy.Gibbons at cs.ox.ac.uk
- [ecoop-info] ECyPS’2013 - the EUROMICRO/IEEE Workshop on Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems: Submission Deadline 15 April
pkitsos at eap.gr
- [ecoop-info] Last CFP ESOCC 2013: European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing
- [ecoop-info] AVOCS 2013 call for papers, deadline 31st May
Announcements of FME events
- [ecoop-info] CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: FormaliSE 2013
Announcements of FME events
- [ecoop-info] Call for Papers - ICSSEA 2013: Software & Systems Engineeing and their Applications, Paris, November 4-6, 2013
- [ecoop-info] SMAP 2013 - Call for papers
smap-publicity at image.ntua.gr
- [ecoop-info] Internet of Things conference, special issues, workshops Call For Papers
- [ecoop-info] Reminder: Call for Papers FMICS 2013
mdierkes at rockwellcollins.com
- [ecoop-info] FMICS 2013 Deadline extended to May 10
mdierkes at rockwellcollins.com
- [ecoop-info] Final CFP ICLP 2013: 29th International Conference on Logic Programming, Istanbul, August 24-29
peterschueller at sabanciuniv.edu
- [ecoop-info] Call for Applications: ICLP 2013 Doctoral Student Consortium, Istanbul, Turkey, August 24
peterschueller at sabanciuniv.edu
- [ecoop-info] 1st CFP: Workshop on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in Robotics @ ICLP2013, Istanbul, Turkey
peterschueller at sabanciuniv.edu
- [ecoop-info] :: INTERACT 2013 Workshop || (Re)Creating Lively Cities through Ambient Media Technologies: Arts, Culture, and Gastronomic Experiences || 12th May 2013 deadline || South Africa::
artur.lugmayr at tut.fi
- [ecoop-info] CfP :: ACADEMIC MINDTREK CONFERENCE 2013 :: Deadline-10th May 2013 :: 1st-4th October :: Tampere, Finland ::
artur.lugmayr at tut.fi
- [ecoop-info] Deadline extension: Doctoral Symposium ECMFA/ECOOP/ECSA 2013
Philippe.COLLET at unice.fr
- [ecoop-info] Fwd: CFP: VINCI 2013 - 6th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction
- [ecoop-info] Please consider to post the CFP for special issue on International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks.
Last message date:
Tue Apr 30 19:28:51 CEST 2013
Archived on: Tue Apr 30 21:59:34 CEST 2013
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