[ecoop-info] CFP: Software Engineering Aspects of Green Computing

Somayeh Malakuti Somayeh.Malakuti at tu-dresden.de
Thu Jul 11 14:04:13 CEST 2013

Call For Papers and Student Research Abstracts

Software Engineering Aspects of Green Computing


The 29th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing

March 24 - 28, 2014,

Gyeongju, South Korea

The increasing amount of the energy consumption of today's IT  
solutions significantly contributes to greenhouse gas emissions.  
"Green Computing"
or "Green IT" emphasizes on the need for reducing the environmental  
impacts of IT solutions by reducing their energy consumption and their  
greenhouse gas emissions. Among others, green computing can be  
achieved in software and by software. While greening by software aims  
at saving energy (or other resources) by the help of software,  
greening in software aims at reducing the environmental impact caused  
by the software itself.

The Software Engineering Aspects of Green Computing track at the 2014  
Symposium on Applied Computing aims to bring together academic and  
industrial researchers to share their experience in achieving the  
green-ness in and by software. Submissions are encouraged, but not  
limited, in the following topics:
   * Greenness in Software: which dedicated software engineering  
methods and tools are required to model, analyze and optimize  
energy-consumption and carbon dioxide generation of software systems  
during the software development process?
                o Requirement elicitation phase:
                               * Methods and tools to elicit and model  
greenness requirements
                               * Methods and tools to identify and  
analyze the trade-offs among
                                       the functional requirements,  
greenness requirements
                                       themselves and other quality attributes
                o Architectural design phase:
                               * Methods and tools to model greenness  
attributes of
                                       software architecture
                               * Methods and tools to analyze the  
trade-offs among the
                                       functional requirements,  
greenness attributes themselves and
                                       other quality attributes
                               * Metrics to evaluate the greenness of  
software architecture
                               * Methods and tools to trace greenness  
attributes to
                                       the greenness requirements
                               * Dedicated architectural patterns to  
achieve green software
                               * Refactoring methods energy saving
                o Implementation phase:
                               * (Domain-specific) languages to  
implement greener software
                               * Compilation methods to achieve  
greener software
                               * IDE support to guide programmers in  
                                       greener software
                               * Refactoring methods to make legacy  
software greener
                               * Methods and tools to measure the  
greenness of implementations
                               * Methods and tools to assess the  
trade-offs between
                                       the functionality, the  
greenness and other quality attributes
                o Testing phase:
                               * Methods and tools to generate test  
scenarios to assess
                                       the greenness of software
                               * Energy profiling techniques
                o Operational phase:
                               * Methods and tools to monitor the  
greenness attributes
                               * Methods and tools to dynamically  
adapt the software to fulfill
                                       its greenness attributes
                               * Methods and tools to profile energy  
consumption and to
                                       carbon foot printing
                               * Metrics to identify energy hotspots

   * Greenness by software: which dedicated software engineering  
methods and tools are required to model, analyze and optimize  
energy-consumption and carbon dioxide generation of industrial  
solutions by means of software?
                o Industrial case studies such as smart home, smart cities,
                      smart embedded systems
                o Methods and tools to make industrial solutions dynamically
                      adaptive in their greenness attributes
                o Methods and tools to measure the effect of  
green-ness by software
                o Methods and tools to make hardware greener by software
                o Application software for smart control of  
eco-friendly buildings,
                     thermo-control of data centers, climate monitoring

Student Research Abstracts
Graduate students seeking feedback from the scientific community on  
their research ideas are invited to submit abstracts (minimum of  
2-pages and maximum of 4-pages) of their original un-published and  
in-progress research work in the area of Software Engineering Aspects  
of Green Computing. For more details, see  

Submission Guideline
All submitted papers must represent original work and can only be  
submitted to a single ACM SAC track. Papers submitted to more than one  
track will be removed from the conference. There is a limit of 6 pages  
using the ACM SIG format. Authors may opt to add 2 additional pages  
(at extra charge). Please ensure that the author names and contacts  
are omitted from the submitted paper during the initial review phase.  
Paper submissions must be made electronically in PDF format via the  
ACM SAC website https://www.softconf.com/d/sac2014.

Paper registration is required, allowing the inclusion of the  
paper/poster in the conference proceedings.
An author or a proxy attending SAC MUST present the paper. This is a  
requirement for all accepted papers and posters to be included in the  
ACM digital library. No-show of scheduled papers and posters will  
result in excluding them from the ACM digital library.

Important Dates
* Submission of regular papers and SRC abstracts: September 13, 2013
* Submission of tutorial proposals: September 27, 2013
* Notification of tutorials acceptance: November 1, 2013
* Author notification for papers and SRC abstracts: November 15, 2013
* Camera-ready copies of accepted papers: December 6, 2013
* Author registration due date: December 13, 201

Program Committee
* Rami Bahsoon (The University of Birmingham, UK)
* Christoph Bockisch (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
* Fernando Castor (UFPE, Brazil)
* James Clause (University of Delaware, USA)
* G.R. Gangadharan (IDRBT, India)
* Sebastian Gotz (TU Dresden, Germany)
* Shigeru Kusakabe (Kyushu University, Japan)
* Patricia Lago (VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands)
* Thomas Ledoux (EMN, France)
* Yu David Liu  (SUNY Binghamton, USA)
* Wolfgang Lohmann (Empa, Switzerland)
* Chung-Horng Lung (Carleton University, Canada)
* Somayeh Malakuti (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
* Maurizio Morisio (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
* Vasily Moshnyaga (Fukuoka University, Japan)
* Stefan Naumann (Trier University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
* Joost Noppen (University of East Anglia, UK)
* Birgit Penzenstadler (UC Irvine, USA)
* Romain Rouvoy (University Lille 1, France)
* Lionel Seinturier  (University Lille 1, France)
* Shiao-Li Tsao (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
* Daniel Versick (University of Rostock, Germany)
* Andreas Winter (Carl von Ossietzky Universitat, Germany)
* Claas Wilke (TU Dresden, Germany)

Track Chairs
Somayeh Malakuti (Technical University of Dresden, Germany)

Wolfgang Lohmann (Empa, Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and
                    Technology, Switzerland)

Mehmet Aksit (University of Twente, The Netherlands)

For more detailed information, please visit

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