[ecoop-info] DeepSpec Summer School on Verified Systems -- apply now!

Benjamin C. Pierce bcpierce at cis.upenn.edu
Mon Jan 30 22:54:12 CET 2017

The first DeepSpec Summer School on Verified Systems will be held in Philadelphia from July 17 to 28, 2017, preceded by an introductory Coq Intensive from July 13 to 15.  Applications are now open:

                        http://deepspec.org/events/ss17detail.html <http://deepspec.org/events/ss17detail.html>
Can critical systems be built with no bugs in hardware, operating systems, compilers, crypto, and other key components? It may seem a pipe dream, but the past decade has seen remarkable advances in the technology required to realize it.

This summer school aims to give participants a wide-ranging overview of several ambitious projects currently underway in this space.  Participants will gain a thorough understanding of the conceptual underpinnings of these projects plus considerable hands-on experience with the state-of-the-art tools being used to build them.

The summer school will open with a three-day intensive course on the fundamentals of the Coq proof assistant, for participants who are new to Coq. The main lectures take place during the weeks of July 17 and 24. 

Lecturers and Topics
Andrew Appel 	Verified functional algorithms 
Adam Chlipala 	Program-specific proof automation
Frans Kaashoek & Nickolai Zeldovich 	Certifying software with crashes 
Xavier Leroy 	The structure of a verified compiler
Benjamin Pierce 	Property-based random testing with QuickChick 
Zhong Shao 	CertiKOS: Certified kit operating systems
Stephanie Weirich 	Language specification and variable binding
Steve Zdancewic 	Vellvm: Verifying the LLVM 
More information
To apply, or for more information, please visit http://deepspec.org/events/ss17detail.html <http://deepspec.org/events/ss17detail.html>.

Applications received by Feb 15 will be given equal consideration; applications received after Feb 15 will be considered on a space- and funds-available basis.

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