[ecoop-info] PhD on Trusted Decentralised Applications

Andrea Bracciali abb at cs.stir.ac.uk
Thu Sep 5 16:55:56 CEST 2019

Dear colleagues, 

Could you please circulate the following call/attached leaflet for a fully-funded PhD in Scotland on blockchain technologies, please?

Many thanks 
With best wishes, 

Andrea Bracciali


Trustable decentralised applications on reliable blockchain technologies

	Fully-funded PhD Studentship
	University of Stirling, UK


A fully funded PhD studentship on Trustable dapps on reliable blockchain technologies 
is available at the Computing Science and Mathematics division of the University of 
Stirling, UK, in collaboration with Wallet.Services (www.wallet.services). 


The goal of this project is the design of a suitable framework to support the development
of reliable and trustable blockchain-based decentralised applications. This project benefits 
from the participation of WalletServices (www.wallet.services), a well-established startup 
in the global fintech sector. WalletServices will provide use cases of interest and their
industrial know-how to the project. The scientific project will take in consideration the latest 
developments in the technology, including, for instance, off-chain and multi-chain frameworks, 
tokenomics, proof of stake, blockchain programming and verification aspects. Specific 
interests and expertise of the student will also be taken into due consideration, as appropriate. 

This project will be carried out under the joint supervision of Dr. Andrea Bracciali and 
WalletServices, within an international academic network with expertise in verification, 
game theory, cryptography, programming languages, modelling and finance, and will 
enjoy the support of a growing multidisciplinary group of researchers and students 
interested in blockchain technologies.   

This project will also benefit from the thriving fintech Scottish sector, which has a strong 
interest in blockchain technologies, and could particularly contribute to the, academic or 
industrial, career development of the student.

Students with a background in, or across, computer science, economics, mathematics 
(non-exclusive list!), and interested in a scientific approach to breakthrough technologies 
are encouraged to apply. Exposure to formal verification, programming languages, game 
theory and/or understanding of “crypto-economics”, and/or competence in software 
development are a plus.

The studentship will cover tuition fees, and a standard stipend at RCUK rates (from 
about 14/15k GBP per annum), for three years for Home/EU students.

Interested candidates are invited to contact

Dr. Andrea Bracciali                                                    

abb at cs.stir.ac.uk      
+44 (0)1786 467446 

should they wish to apply for the position, or further discuss the project and any detail 
of the fellowship, PhD studies and university life at Stirling University and in Scotland 
in general. We would like to fill the position shortly, but the start date can be negotiated. 
We are planning to start interviewing applicants no later than October 11th and until the 
position will be filled.


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