[ecoop-info] Call for Papers: SYSTOR 2015, May 26-28, Haifa, Israel

Doron Chen CDORON at il.ibm.com
Thu Dec 11 16:12:39 CET 2014

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                Call for Papers: SYSTOR 2015
                May 26-28, 2015
                Haifa, Israel

We invite you to submit original and innovative papers to SYSTOR 2015, The 
8th ACM International Systems and
Storage Conference.
The conference will take place May 26-28, 2015 in Haifa, Israel.

Paper submission deadline: March 5, 2015

SYSTOR has a broad scope, promoting experimental and practical computer 
systems research encompassing the
following topics:

  *   Operating systems, computer architecture, and their interactions
  *   Distributed, parallel, and cloud systems
  *   Networked, mobile, wireless, peer-to-peer, and sensor systems
  *   Runtime systems and compiler/programming-language support
  *   File and storage systems
  *   Security, privacy, and trust
  *   Virtualization
  *   Embedded and real-time systems
  *   Fault tolerance, reliability, and availability
  *   Deployment, usage, and experience
  *   Performance evaluation and workload characterization


  *   Full & short paper submission: March 5, 2015
  *   Highlights paper submission: April 30, 2015
  *   Paper notification: April 5, 2015
  *   Camera-ready submission: April 17, 2015
  *   Poster submission: April 30, 2015
  *   Poster notification: May 11, 2015

SYSTOR is a home for high-quality international systems research of a 
practical nature and welcomes both academic
and industrial contributions. We solicit paper submissions in three 
separate categories:

  *   Full papers: should report original, previously unpublished 
high-quality research, and be at most 10 pages of
content, including everything except references, which may use additional 
pages. The program committee will
review all submitted papers. Accepted papers will be presented at the 
conference and included in the conference
proceedings, to be published by the ACM.

  *   Short papers: should report original, previously unpublished work 
for which a full paper may not be suitable.
Short paper submissions may report on smaller ideas; unconventional ideas 
that are still in a preliminary stage
of development; interesting negative results; experimental (in)validation 
of previous findings; controversial
positions that challenge common wisdom; and fresh approaches for 
addressing old problems. Short papers may be at
most 5 pages, excluding references. They will undergo the same review 
process as full papers. If accepted, short
papers will be allocated a shorter talk slot during the conference and 
will also be published in the conference

  *   Highlight papers: should contain exciting research results that have 
been accepted to a recent top-tier
systems conference or journal. A small sub-committee will briefly review 
these submissions and will select the
most suitable ones for SYSTOR. The corresponding presentations will then 
be "replayed" at SYSTOR for the benefit
of the local community. A highlight paper submission should include the 
full citation of the published or
accepted paper and a link to it. Accepted submissions will not be 
published in the proceedings.

SYSTOR 2015 will host distinguished keynote speakers, a poster session, 
and several social events at the
conference. Our goal is to provide an excellent forum for interaction 
across the systems community:
international, academic, and industrial, for both students and more 
established members.

Additional details can be found at: http://www.systor.org/2015/cfp.html

  *   Gernot Heiser (NICTA and UNSW, Australia)
  *   Idit Keidar (Technion)

  *   Dalit Naor (IBM Research)

  *   David Breitgand (IBM Research)

  *   Michael Factor (IBM Research)

  *   Ethan Miller (University of California Santa Cruz)
  *   Liuba Shrira (Brandeis University)
  *   Dan Tsafrir (Technion)
  *   Yaron Wolfsthal (IBM Research)
  *   Erez Zadok (Stony Brook University)
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