[ecoop-info] Call for Workshop & Special Session - SmartWorld 2017 [Proposal Deadline: 30 Jan. 2017]

Swathi Nuggehalli Sudarshan swathi.nuggehallisudarshan at sjsu.edu
Tue Dec 13 07:48:42 CET 2016

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*Call for Workshop & Special Session Proposals*

*2017 IEEE Smart World Congress (SmartWorld 2017) *
*August 4-8, 2017, San Francisco Bay Area, USA*

Smart World is the next important stage in human history, aiming to enhance
everyday things with abilities of sensation, communication, computation and
intelligence so that many tasks and processes could be simplified, more
efficient, and enjoyable. With the theme “Smart Things Everywhere”, *SmartWorld
2017 calls for workshops and special sessions which will complement the
research topics of the Smart World*.

*-> Workshop & Special Session – Introduction & Highlights*

A workshop refers to an academic event in conjunction with SmartWorld 2017.
A special session is an embedded session in SmartWorld 2017, focusing on a
specific research topic relevant to the main conference. Each workshop will
be expected to accept at least 6 papers. Each special session will be
expected to accept 4-6 full-length papers.

Workshop/special session organizers are responsible for forming program
committees, circulating call for papers, organizing submissions and reviews
as well as planning the final programs. SmartWorld 2017 workshop/special
session co-chairs will assist the workshop/special session organizers in
organizing workshops/special sessions and ensure their quality and success.
The registration fees for workshops/special sessions will be determined by
the organizing committees of SmartWorld 2017, which will provide
workshop/special session facilities. Workshops/special sessions should
strictly follow the important dates. The paper submission deadlines could
be after that of the main conference to allow workshops/special sessions to
pick up some good papers submitted to the main conference. However,
sufficient time (5-7 weeks), should be allocated for peer reviews. Each
paper should be reviewed by at least three experts in the corresponding

- Accepted papers by both workshops & special sessions will be included in
the SmartWorld 2017 proceedings published by IEEE (submitted to the IEEE-DL
and *EI index*).
- Selected workshop/special session papers will be recommended to *special
issues of prestigious journals*.
- If there are 10 or more papers in a workshop, *one free registration* will
be offered for one organizer of the workshop.
- *One Best Workshop Award* will be presented to a high quality
workshop & *Best
Workshop Paper Awards* will be presented to high quality workshop papers,
selected from all workshops in conjunction with SmartWorld 2017.

*-> Workshop & Special Session - Proposal Submission & Paper Submission*

Workshop/Special Session proposals should contain following information:
- The title of the workshop/special session, including both full name and
abbreviation (for workshop)
- The objectives, scopes, and contributions to the main conference (up to 1
- The short bios of the key organizers and their related experience
- The procedure for selecting papers, plans for dissemination (e.g., plan
to advertise the workshop/special session, whether there are special issues
of journals for the workshop/special session), and the tentative number of
expected papers accepted by the workshop
- A tentative list of program committee members
- The (tentative) website/URL of the proposed workshop/special session

*Please email your workshop/special session proposals in PDF format by Jan.
30, 2017 to: the SmartWorld 2017 workshop/special session co-chairs,
Chunsheng Zhu (chunsheng.tom.zhu at gmail.com <chunsheng.tom.zhu at gmail.com>)
and Seungmin Rho (korea.smrho at gmail.com <korea.smrho at gmail.com>). Please
use “SmartWorld 2017 workshop and special session proposal” as the email
subject.* Paper Submissions for accepted workshop/special session should
follow the same Paper Submission Guidelines for the main conference. The
length of a workshop paper submission may be about 6 pages.

*-> Workshop & Special Session - Important Dates*

- *Proposal due: Jan. 30, 2017*
- Proposal notification: Feb. 05, 2017
- Submission & notification deadlines: To be decided by individual
workshop/Special Session
- Camera ready version due:  Jun. 10, 2017

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