[ecoop-info] Deadline extension till 2. Apr. 17: IEEE/WIC/ACM Web Intelligence 2017 (WI'17), 23-26 Aug. 2017, Leipzig, Germany

Rainer Unland rainer.unland at icb.uni-due.de
Mon Mar 13 12:46:51 CET 2017

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Please forward this CFP to anyone who might be interested.



IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence 2017 (WI'17)

August 23-26, 2017, Leipzig, Germany

Conference Website: http://webintelligence2017.com/

(/*Extended FULL PAPER SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Apr. 02, 2017*/)


Raj Reddy (Turing Award Winner 1994): The Ultimate Web Intelligence:

Computational Social Science

Amit Sheth: Semantic, Cognitive, and Perceptual Computing – three

intertwined strands of a golden braid of intelligent computing

Cristiano Castelfranchi: Cognition & Self-Organization in a Hybrid

Society & Coupled Reality: The role of AI

Frank Leymann: Loose Coupling and Architectural Implications

Matthias Klusch: Intelligent Agent and Semantic Technologies for

Industry 4.0:Showcases and Challenges





Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

IEEE Computer Society

Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC)




The topics of Web Intelligence (WI) have received increasing interest in 
the past years. They comprise many fields, such as collective 
intelligence, data science, human-centric computing, knowledge 
management, and network science. WI'17 aims to cover leading research 
that both deepens the understanding of computational, logical, 
cognitive, physical as well as business and social foundations of the 
future Web, and enables the development and application of intelligent 

The research track of WI'17 invites original high-quality papers. WI'17 
is methodologically open, i.e. conceptual, empirical as well as 
theoretical and technical papers are welcome.




Track-1: Collective Intelligence

Track-2: Data Science

Track-3: Human-Centric Computing

Track-4: Knowledge Management

Track-5: Network Science



Call for Industry and PhD symposium Papers


In addition to the research track, WI'17 comprises special sessions and 
workshops as well as tutorials and a PhD mentoring session. Moreover, 
industry papers and demo proposals can be submitted to WI'17 and will be 
dealt with by a special PC for industrial papers which will apply 
industry-compliant assessment criteria.In all cases please refer to the 
individual call for papers on





WI'17 solicits original work limited to 6-8 pages in ACM 2-column 
format. Each paper will be peer-reviewed by at least three PC members on 
the basis of technical quality, relevance, originality, significance and 
clarity. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings 
by ACM and indexed by EI. Furthermore, selected WI'17 papers will be 
invited to submit extended versions for publication in Web Intelligence 
journal and other international journals.Papers have to be submitted via 
the Cyberchair submission page and according to the rules specified on 
this page:





Best Paper awards will be conferred at the conference on the authors of 
(1) the best research paper, (2) the best student paper. 
Application-oriented submissions will be considered for the best 
application paper award.



+++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Submission of regular papers:Apr. 02, 2017

Notification of regular paper acceptance:May15, 2017

Camera-Ready regular papers (Main Conference)Jun05, 2017

Submission of Industry track papers:Apr. 23, 2017

Notification of Industry track paper acceptance:May15, 2017

Camera-Ready Papers (Industry Track)Jun05, 2017

Workshop and Special session proposal submission:Mar. 12, 2017

Notification of Workshop/Special session acceptance:Mar. 19, 2017

Submission of Workshop/Special session papers:May. 01, 2017

Notification of Workshop/Special session paper acceptance: May22, 2017

Camera-Ready Papers (Workshops and Special sessions)Jun12, 2017

Tutorial proposal submission:May01, 2017

Notification of Tutorial acceptance:May15, 2017

Submission of PhD Mentoring Papers:May14, 2017

Notification of PhD Mentoring Papers acceptance:Jun. 02, 2017

Camera-Ready Papers (PhD Mentoring):Jun. 18, 2017

Author Registration (Main Conference)May29, 2017

Main conference:Aug. 23-26, 2017




General Chairs (Regions):


Axel Ngonga, currently Leipzig University, Germany (Africa)

Amit Sheth, Wright State University, US (North-America)

Guoyin Wang, Chongqing Univ. of Posts and Telecommunications, China (Asia)

Elizabeth Chang, The University of New South Wales, Australia (Australia)

Dominik Slezak, Infobright Inc. & Univ. of Warsaw, Poland (East Europe)

Bogdan Franczyk, Leipzig University, Germany (West Europe)

PC Co-Chairs:


Rainer Alt (Leipzig University, Germany)

Xiaohui Tao (University of Southern Queensland, Australia)

Organizing Chairs:


Bjoern Schwarzbach, Leipzig University, Germany

Rainer Unland, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Steering Committee Co-chairs:


Ning Zhong (Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan)

Jiming Liu (Hong Kong Baptist University, HK SAR, China)

Organizing Committee


Wilfried Röder, Leipzig University, Germany

Sandra Bartsch, Institute of Applied Informatics, Germany

Publicity Chairs:


Guadalupe Ortiz Bellot, University of Cádiz, Spain

Haoran Xie, The Education University of Hong Kong, China

Yue Xu, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Roland Fassauer, Institute of Applied Informatics, Germany

Workshop and Special Session Chairs:


Agata Filipowska, Poznan University of Economics, Poland

Omar Hussain, UNSW Canberra, Australia

Juan D. Velasquez, University of Chile, Chile

Yiqiang Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Olaf Reinhold, Leipzig University, Germany

Doctoral Consortium Chairs:


Alexander Pokahr, University of Hamburg, Germany

René Schumann, University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland

Tutorial Chairs:


Christian Derksen, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Jacek Kucharski, Lodz University of Technology, Poland

Industry Track Chairs:


Hanno Hildmann, UC3M Robotics Lab, Spain & NEC Research Europe, Germany

Fabrice Saffre, British Telecom & EBTIC, UK & UAE



Christian Franck, Leipzig University, Germany

Registrations, enquiries & special requests:


Sandra Bartsch, Institute of Applied Informatics, Germany

Finance Chair and CyberChair-Master:


Sebastian Fuß, Institute of Applied Informatics, Germany

Industry and Sponsorship Chairs:


Wilfried Röder, Leipzig University, Germany

Roland Fassauer, Institute of Applied Informatics, Germany


Contact Information:

rainer.alt at uni-leipzig.de

xtao at usq.edu.au



“Experience is this valuable asset which allows us to identify the
mistake immediately when we are doing it again and again!”

“Erfahrung ist jener kostbare Besitz, der uns befähigt, einen Fehler
sofort zu erkennen, wenn wir ihn immer wieder machen.”

Prof. Dr. Rainer Unland
University of Duisburg-Essen
Institute for Computer Science and Business Information Systems (ICB)
Practical Computer Science, especially Data Management Systems and
Knowledge Representation
Schuetzenbahn 70
45117 Essen, Germany
Tel.: (+49) 201-183 3421
IP-Tel. Skype: unlandr Fax: (+49) 201-183 4460
Email: Rainer.Unland at icb.uni-due.de

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