[ecoop-info] it-fmeurope-events Digest Mon, 13 Mar 2017

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Mon Mar 13 18:00:15 CET 2017

it-fmeurope-events digest Mon, 13 Mar 2017

Table of contents:

* 1 - [FME Events] 3rd CFP: SEFM 2017 - 15th International Conference on
  Software Engineering and Formal Methods - Alberto Griggio <griggio at fbk.eu>
* 2 - [FME Events] Call for Participation: FormaliSE 2017 - Nico Plat
  <mail at nicoplat.com>
* 3 - [FME Events] TIME 2017 Second call for papers - Jef Wijsen
  <jef.wijsen at umons.ac.be>


Message-ID: <20170303102908.7B52B15F9E9 at kyrene.fbk.eu>
Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2017 11:29:08 +0100
From: Alberto Griggio <griggio at fbk.eu>
Subject: [FME Events] 3rd CFP: SEFM 2017 - 15th International Conference on
 Software Engineering and Formal Methods

   We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this announcement


The 15th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal
Methods, SEFM 2017, will be held in Trento, Italy, September 6-10, 2017.

The conference aims to bring together leading researchers and
practitioners from academia, industry and government, to advance the state
of the art in formal methods, to facilitate their uptake in the software
industry, and to encourage their integration within practical software
engineering methods and tools.

The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to the
following aspects of software engineering and formal methods:

- New frontiers in software architecture: self-adaptive, service-oriented
  and cloud computing systems; component, object and multi-agent systems;
  real-time, hybrid and embedded systems; reconfigurable systems.

- Software verification and testing: model checking, theorem proving and
  decision procedures; verification and validation; probabilistic
  verification and synthesis; testing, re-engineering and reuse.

- Software development methods: requirement analysis, modeling,
  specification and design; light-weight and scalable formal methods;
  software evolution, maintenance and reuse.

- Application and technology transfer: case studies, best practices and
  experience reports; tool integration; education; HCI, interactive
  systems and human error analysis.

- Security and safety: security and mobility; safety-critical,
  fault-tolerant and secure systems; software certification.

- Design principles: programming languages; domain specific languages;
  type theory; abstraction and refinement.

Invited Speakers:
We are pleased to have three invited speakers for SEFM 2017:

- Marsha Chechik, University of Toronto, Canada

- Jeff Kramer, Imperial College London, UK

- Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Berkeley University, USA

Important Dates:
Abstract submission: 24 March 2017
Paper submission: 31 March 2017
Notification: 29 May 2017

Authors are invited to submit full research papers (up to 15 pages)
describing original research results, case studies and tools; and short
new ideas/work-in-progress papers (up to 6 pages) describing new
approaches, techniques and/or tools that are not fully validated yet. The
conference proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in the
Formal Methods subline of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.

Information about all committees can be found at

Alessandro Cimatti, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
Marjan Sirjani, Malardalen University, Sweden

Message-ID: <23402BF5-86E8-4F7F-B8B5-F7A897CDD12B at nicoplat.com>
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2017 21:12:54 +0100
From: Nico Plat <mail at nicoplat.com>
Subject: [FME Events] Call for Participation: FormaliSE 2017

                     Call for Participation: FORMALISE 2017
5th FME Workshop on Formal Methods in Software Engineering (27th May 2017)
  co-located with ICSE 2017 (May 20th–May 28th), Buenos Aires, Argentina

FormaliSE is a yearly workshop on Formal Methods in Software Engineering.
FormaliSE is organized by FME (Formal Methods Europe) and is co-located with
ICSE (International Conference on Software Engineering). The main goal of the
workshop is to foster integration between the formal methods and the software
engineering communities. The lack of formalization in key places makes
engineering overly sensitive to the weaknesses that are inevitable in the
complex activities behind software creation. This is where formal methods
have a huge opportunity.

The PROGRAM features presentations of 11 research papers. Nazareno Aguirre
(CONICET and Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto) will give a keynote
presentation. poster sessions will be held during the breaks. For details on
the program see http://www.formalise.org/program.

FormaliSE 2017 will be held at the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina
(UCA), see http://www.uca.edu.ar/index.php/home/index/en. This location is
a 20 minute walk from the main conference site: the Sheraton Buenos Aires
and Convention Center (http://www.sheratonbuenosaires.com/), host of the 39th
International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2017).

You can register for the workshop at http://icse2017.gatech.edu/?q=attending.
Note that early bird registration closes on 1 April 2017!

A number of hotel rooms have been blocked for ICSE 2017 participants at
specially negotiated rates, see http://icse2017.gatech.edu/attending#hotel for

Twitter: https://twitter.com/formalisews
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/formaliseworkshop/

See you in Buenos Aires, Argentina!

Message-ID: <0b9db8b8-ece8-06d2-1664-339efd0e01af at umons.ac.be>
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2017 16:58:25 +0100
From: Jef Wijsen <jef.wijsen at umons.ac.be>
Subject: [FME Events] TIME 2017 Second call for papers


                                 TIME 2017

   24th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning

                    Mons (Belgium), 16-18 October 2017

                           Second Call for Papers



Aims and scope
TIME 2017 aims to bring together researchers interested in reasoning
about temporal aspects of information in any area of Computer Science.
The symposium, currently in its 24th edition, has a wide remit and
intends to cater to both theoretical aspects and well-founded
applications. One of the key aspects of the symposium is its
interdisciplinarity, with attendees from distinct areas such as
artificial intelligence, database management, logic and verification,
and beyond. The symposium will encompass three tracks on temporal
representation and reasoning in (1) Artificial Intelligence, (2)
Databases and (3) Logic and Verification.

The Artificial Intelligence track includes, but is not limited to:

- temporal aspects of agent- and policy-based systems
- spatial and temporal reasoning
- reasoning about actions and change
- planning and planning languages
- ontologies of time and space-time
- belief and uncertainty in temporal knowledge
- temporal learning and discovery
- time in problem solving (e.g. diagnosis, scheduling)
- time in human-machine interaction
- temporal information extraction
- time in natural language processing
- spatio-temporal knowledge representation systems
- spatio-temporal ontologies for the semantic web
- constraint-based temporal reasoning
- temporal preferences

The Database track includes, but is not limited to:

- temporal data models and query languages
- temporal query processing and indexing
- temporal data mining
- time series data management
- stream data management
- spatio-temporal data management, including moving objects
- data currency and expiration
- indeterminate and imprecise temporal data
- temporal constraints
- temporal aspects of business processes and ECA systems
- real-time databases
- time-dependent security policies
- privacy in temporal and spatio-temporal data
- temporal aspects of multimedia databases
- temporal aspects of e-services and web applications
- temporal aspects of distributed systems
- temporal aspects and big data
- temporal aspects in NoSQL databases
- temporal data warehouses
- temporal healthcare databases and warehouses
- time series analysis and mining
- semistructured temporal data
- novel applications of temporal database management
- novel visualizations and interfaces for temporal data
- experiences with real applications

The Logic and Verification track includes, but is not limited to:

- specification and verification of systems
- verification of web applications
- synthesis and execution
- model-checking algorithms and implementations
- verification of infinite-state systems
- reasoning about transition systems
- temporal architectures
- temporal logics for distributed systems
- temporal logics for games and open systems
- temporal logics of knowledge
- hybrid systems and real-time logics
- cyber-physical systems
- tools and practical systems
- temporal issues in security

Submission and publication
Submissions of high-quality papers describing research results are
solicited. Submitted papers should contain original, previously
unpublished content, should be written in English, and must not be
simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. Submitted papers
will be refereed for quality, correctness, originality, and relevance.

Detailed submission instructions can be found on the website of TIME 2017:


Accepted papers will be presented at the symposium and included in the
proceedings, which will be published by LIPIcs-Leibniz International
Proceedings in Informatics, which is a series of high-quality
peer-reviewed conference proceedings, published according to the
principle of OpenAccess. At least one author of each accepted paper must
register at the conference and present the paper.

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version
of their contribution to a special issue of the journal Theoretical
Computer Science.

Important Dates
Abstracts due:     May 8, 2017
Full papers due:   May 12, 2017
Notification:      June 27, 2017
Final version due: July 14, 2017
Symposium:         October 16-18, 2017

Program Committee Chairs
Sven Schewe, University of Liverpool, UK
Thomas Schneider, University of Bremen, Germany
Jef Wijsen, University of Mons, Belgium

Program Committee
- Johann Eder (Alpen Adria Universität Klagenfurt, Austria)
- Fabio Grandi (University of Bologna, Italy)
- Ernst Moritz Hahn (State Key Laboratory of Computer Science, Institute
of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
- Michael R. Hansen (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)
- Fredrik Heintz (Linköping University, Sweden)
- Marcin Jurdzinski (University of Warwick, UK)
- Roman Kontchakov (Birkbeck, University of London, UK)
- Jan Kretínský (Technical University of Munich, Germany)
- Bart Kuijpers (Hasselt University, Belgium)
- Martin Lange (University of Kassel, Germany)
- Martin Leucker (University of Lübeck, Germany)
- Cláudia Nalon (University of Brasília, Brazil)
- Andrea Orlandini (National Research Council of Italy ISTC-CNR, Italy)
- Doron Peled (Bar Ilan University, Israel)
- Roberto Posenato (Università degli Studi di Verona, Italy)
- Jean-François Raskin (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
- Peter Z. Revesz (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA)
- Mark Reynolds (The Univeristy of Western Australia, Australia)
- Sven Schewe (University of Liverpool, UK)
- Renate A. Schmidt (University of Manchester, UK)
- Thomas Schneider (University of Bremen, Germany)
- Paolo Terenziani (University Piemonte Orientale, Italy)
- David Toman (University of Waterloo, Canada)
- Kristian Torp (Aalborg University, Denmark)
- Alejandro A. Vaisman (Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- Kristen B. Venable (Tulane University, USA)
- Jef Wijsen (University of Mons, Belgium)
- Stefan Wölfl (University of Freiburg, Germany)
- Martin Zimmermann (Saarland University, Germany)

Invited Speakers
Alessandro Artale, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Javier Esparza, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Sheila McIlraith, University of Toronto, Canada

TIME 2017 will take place in Mons, a beautiful city in the
French-speaking part of Belgium, and a former European Capital of Culture.



End of it-fmeurope-events Digest Mon, 13 Mar 2017

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