[ecoop-info] CGO 2019 Student Research Competition (SRC) -- reminder

Adwait Jog adwait at cs.wm.edu
Tue Nov 20 17:07:27 CET 2018

IEEE/ACM CGO-2019 Call for submissions to Student Research Competition (SRC)

The ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) offers a unique forum for
undergraduate and graduate students to present their original research
before a panel of judges and attendees at CGO. Participants must be
undergraduates or graduate students pursuing an academic degree at the
time of initial submission. Participants must be current student
members of the ACM. The abstracts will be examined by a selection
committee and selected abstracts will be invited to present as posters
at the conference. SRC poster submissions are, in addition, evaluated
by a jury during the poster session at the conference. The best three
posters are then invited to give a short presentation (10 minutes + 5
minutes questions) on the next day. Based on the submitted abstract,
the poster, and the presentation, the winner of CGO's Student Research
Competition will be selected, who will receive an award. In addition
the winner will be invited to participate in the grand 2019 ACM SRC
competition. Further information on the ACM SRC is available at:

SRC Chair: Jagadish Kotra (AMD Research)

Submission Information:

Extended abstracts of up to 500 words should be submitted by email to
Jagadish.Kotra at amd.com and in CC to zsura at us.ibm.com on or before
December 1, 2018. All submissions will be reviewed by a selection
committee. Notifications will be sent out by December 10, 2018.
Selected submissions will have their abstract included in the CGO 2019
proceedings and will be invited to CGO to participate in the ACM SRC

Please format your submission using the SIGPLAN format found here. Use
one 8.5″x11″ single spaced, double-column page, with 10pt or larger
font. Include your name and the name of your advisor(s). Optionally,
send a pdf of the poster you plan to present (this does not have to be
the final version of the poster).


Submission: December 1st, 2018 (AoE)
Notification: December 10th, 2018

Submission Topics:

As in previous years, CGO will host a Student Research Competition
(SRC) session. Submissions in the form of an extended abstract
(details above) are solicited in any topics relevant to the main
conference, including:

** Code Generation, Translation, Transformation, and Optimization for
performance, energy, virtualization, portability, security, or
reliability concerns, and architectural support
** Efficient execution of dynamically typed and higher-level languages
Optimization and code generation for emerging programming models,
platforms, domain-specific languages
** Dynamic/static, profile-guided, feedback-directed, and machine
learning based optimization
** Static, Dynamic, and Hybrid Analysis for performance, energy,
memory locality, throughput or latency, security, reliability, or
functional debugging
** Program characterization methods
** Efficient profiling and instrumentation techniques; architectural support
** Novel and efficient tools
** Compiler design, practice and experience
** Compiler abstraction and intermediate representations
** Vertical integration of language features, representations,
optimizations, and runtime support for parallelism
** Solutions that involve cross-layer (HW/OS/VM/SW) design and integration
** Deployed dynamic/static compiler and runtime systems for general
purpose, embedded system and Cloud/HPC platforms
** Parallelism, heterogeneity, and reconfigurable architectures
** Optimizations for heterogeneous or specialized targets, GPUs, SoCs, CGRA
** Compiler-support for vectorization, thread extraction, task
scheduling, speculation, transaction, memory management, data
distribution and synchronization

The same information can be found at CGO-2019 SRC website:

Please feel free to contact me at Jagadish.Kotra at amd.com for any
further questions/concerns.

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