[ecoop-info] [TechDebt2019] - Call for Papers Submission

Antonio Martini antonima at ifi.uio.no
Wed Nov 21 13:23:43 CET 2018

CALL FOR PAPERS – TechDebt 2019 and Tools Track

The Second International Conference on Technical Debt will be held in Montréal, Canada, on May 26–27, 2019, collocated with ICSE 2019.



•   January 14: Abstracts submitted to EasyChair

•   January 21: Full papers entered in EasyChair

•   March 1: Notification of acceptance or rejection

•   March 15: Camera-ready submission of final paper

•   May 26–27: Presentations

Technical debt is a metaphor that software developers and managers increasingly use to communicate key trade-offs between time to market and quality issues.

While other software engineering disciplines—such as software sustainability, maintenance and evolution, refactoring, software quality, and empirical software engineering—have produced results relevant to managing technical debt, none of them alone suffice to model, manage, and communicate the different facets of the design trade-off problems involved in managing technical debt. Similarly, while many software engineering practices can be used to get ahead of technical debt, organizations struggle with managing technical debt routinely and strategically.

TechDebt 2019 aims to bring together leading software engineering researchers and practitioners to explore theoretical and practical techniques for managing technical debt and to share experiences, challenges, and best practices.

The conference addresses all topics related to technical debt, including

•   analysis and measurement of technical debt

•   techniques and tools for calculating technical debt principal and interest

•   understanding causes and effects of technical debt

•   visualization of technical debt

•   economic models for describing or reasoning about technical debt

•   the business case for technical debt management

•   relationship of technical debt to software evolution, maintenance, and aging

•   relationship of technical debt with other activities, such as testing or requirements engineering

•   relationship of technical debt to DevOps

•   relationship of technical debt to quality attributes (especially run-time)

•   technical debt management within software life-cycle management

•   beyond software—technical debt in systems engineering

•   technical debt within software ecosystems and product lines

•   technical debt in design and architecture

•   technical debt in software models

•   concrete practices and tools used to manage technical debt

•   education related to technical debt

We invite submissions of papers in any areas related to the theme and goal of the conference in the following three categories:

•   Research Papers: describing innovative and significant original research in the field (up to 10 pages)

•   Experience Papers: describing industrial experience, case studies, challenges, problems, and solutions (up to 10 pages)

•   Short Papers: position and future trend papers describing ongoing research or new results (up to 5 pages)

Submissions must be original and unpublished work. Each submitted paper will undergo a rigorous review process by three members of the program committee. Submissions must be submitted online via the TechDebtConf2019 EasyChair conference management system and conform to the ICSE formatting guidelines.

Accepted papers must be presented in person at the conference by one of the authors. Excellent papers will be considered for a Distinguished Paper Award from ACM SIGSOFT.


Tools plays a critical role in understanding the management, monitoring, and calculations of technical debt in real-world situations. We invite organizations and individuals to showcase new techniques, methods, and tools that can aid practitioners and decision makers in these critical tasks to participate at TechDebt 2019, to be held in conjunction with ICSE 2019 in Montréal, Canada.

Submission Instructions for the Tools Track:

Extended abstract (1–2 pages): All participants wishing to present, demonstrate, or discuss in the tools forum should submit an extended abstract. Abstracts are due January 14, 2019, via EasyChair. Although extended abstracts are not peer reviewed, abstracts will be screened to ensure they meet the expectations of the tools track and are aligned with the overarching technical debt theme of the conference. In the abstract we suggest that authors address the purpose of the tool, validation experiences with practitioners (if applicable), and its relevance to technical debt. Note: If a longer experience report is available, please direct those submissions to the main track’s experience-reports category.

In EasyChair, indicate how you will participate in the conference session:

•   Panel participant: In the panel discussion we will engage participants and audience on how the showcased tools help address technical debt challenges.

•   Tool demonstration: If you propose to showcase a product from your company or organization, please let us know your power and space requirements.

•   Poster: A poster should describe a tool, or some aspect consistent with tools of the trade. A poster is encouraged if you would like to participate as a panel participant or with a tool demonstration.

Submissions should be sent via EasyChair and should follow the ICSE formatting guidelines.


Paris Avgeriou,    University of Groningen     (Program Co-Chair)

Klaus Schmid,      Stiftung University Hildesheim          (Program Co-Chair)

Neil Ernst,  University of Victoria(Tools Co-Chair)

Magiel Bruntink,   Software Improvement Group          (Tools Co-Chair)

Esra Alzaghoul,   University of Jordan

Apostolos Ampatzoglou,    University of Macedonia

Damian Andrew Tamburri, Eindhoven University of Technology

Francesca Arcelli Fontana,    University of Milano-Bicocca

Rami Bahsoon,    University of Birmingham

Stephany Bellomo,   Software Engineering Institute

Terese Besker,    Chalmers University of Technology

Jan Bosch, Chalmers University of Technology

Frank Buschmann,   Siemens AG

Yuanfang Cai,      Drexel University

Alexander Chatzigeorgiou, University of Macedonia

Marcus Ciolkowski,  QAware GmbH

Gennadiy Civil,    Google

Zadia Codabux,   Colby College

Davide Falessi,    California Polytechnic State University

Steven Fraser,     Innoxec

Juan Garbajosa,  Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Isaac Grifith,         Idaho State University

Clemente Izurieta,    Montana State University

Andreas Jedlitschka,          Fraunhofer IESE

Sven Johann,       Trifork

Heiko Koziolek,    ABB Corporate Research

Philippe Kruchten,    The University of British Columbia

Ville Leppänen,    University of Turku

Jean-Louis Letouzey,         inspearit

Peng Liang,          Wuhan University

Antonio Martini,    University of Oslo

Andrew Meneely, Rochester Institute of Technology

David Morgenthaler,Google

Robert Nord,        Software Engineering Institute

Patroklos Papapetrou,        Elastic

Eltjo Poort, CGI

Ken Power,Cisco Systems

Narayan Ramasubbu,        University of Pittsburgh

Gonzalo Rojas,    University of Concepción

Carolyn Seaman‚ University of Maryland–Baltimore County

Andriy Shapochka,   SoftServe, Inc.

Emad Shihab,      Concordia University

Will Snipes,          ABB Corporate Research

Rodrigo Spinola,  Universidade Salvador

Wolfgang Trumler,   Siemens AG

Eberhard Wolff,    INNOQ

Eoin Woods,         Artechra

Olaf Zimmermann,   HSR FHO

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